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21秋社区服务平时作业2-001答案参考1. He found a job for a “typist ” in the section of the newspaper.A) confidentialB) restrHe found a job for a “typist ” in the section of the newspaper.A) confidentialB) restrictedC) classifiedD) designated参考答案:C2. 请简要叙述一下“三大模式”当中关于“个人行为”假设(动机)的异同参考答案:地区发展模式认为人是理性的,个人倾向于团结、合作、愿意沟通交往,参与民主,并在集体活动中只要满足一定条件,个人愿意为集体作出贡献。(倾向民主);社会计划模式认为人是理性的,但是个人的行为是为了追求其认为的利益最大化,并且,人的理性自私的动机会带来社会的混乱和人际的冲突斗争,所以必须加以管理和规矩,才能带来秩序和合力。(倾向精英决策);社会行动模式认为人无所谓理性和感性,在行动中人即有可能理性也可能感性,认为冲突并不容易通过协调或正规渠道得到缓和,冲突只有用对峙和争取的方法才能解决。(倾向于冲突和对抗)3. He is finally determined to quit smoking for he knows that it may_ hishealthHe is finally determined to quit smoking for he knows that it may_ hishealth.A) ensureB) persecuteC) jeopardizeD) assure参考答案:C4. 在三大模式关于个人行动动机的假设中,社会计划模式倾向于:( )A、经济发展B、民主共议C、冲突对抗D、精英决策参考答案:D5. Kitchen utensils should be _ as well as functional.A) expensiveB) extensiveC) attKitchen utensils should be _ as well as functional.A) expensiveB) extensiveC) attractiveD) massive参考答案:C6. 社区工作与社会工作价值观的一致性表现为:( )A、都认为人有平等的机会参与社会的模式化B、都强调促进社会的公平和正义C、都认为每个人有责任对自己、他人和社会负责D、都认为人有归属的需求参考答案:ABCD7. Come and sit by the fire; you look _ to the bone.A) cooledB) chokedC) chilledD) cCome and sit by the fire; you look _ to the bone.A) cooledB) chokedC) chilledD) compressed参考答案:C8. After a week in bed, she was fully _to health.A) restoredB) sustainedC) shapedD)After a week in bed, she was fully _to health.A) restoredB) sustainedC) shapedD) projected参考答案:A9. The bomb will _ the moment it is touched.A) go onB) go outC) go offD) go overThe bomb will _ the moment it is touched.A) go onB) go outC) go offD) go over参考答案:C10. Her ideas are _sound, even if she says silly things sometimes.A) fundamentallyB)Her ideas are _sound, even if she says silly things sometimes.A) fundamentallyB) criticallyC) rarelyD) continually参考答案:A11. Tom regularly receives money to live from his parents. He s still dependent on hisTom regularly receives money to live from his parents. He s still dependent on his parents.A) emotionallyB) financiallyC) commerciallyD) fiscally参考答案:B12. The prisoner has been _ of many privileges thataverage citizens enjoy.A) disturbThe prisoner has been _ of many privileges thataverage citizens enjoy.A) disturbedB) discardedC) deprivedD) disposed参考答案:C13. Ecommerce is presenting a lot of new jobs at level.A) entryB) entranceC) entrenchmentE-commerce is presenting a lot of new jobs at level.A) entryB) entranceC) entrenchmentD)entrust参考答案:A14. It _ that this method didn t work very well.A) turned aroundB) turned outC)turneIt _ that this method didn t work very well.A) turned aroundB) turned outC)turned onD) turned up参考答案:B15. Factories _5% of the countrys commercial electricity consumption.A) build oFactories _5% of the countrys commercial electricity consumption.A) build onB) account forC) come inD) count on参考答案:B16. We have to put _ our emotions and take it from a professional standpoint.A) upB)We have to put _ our emotions and take it from a professional standpoint.A) upB) withC) asideD) off参考答案:C17. The speaker _ the need for better education.A) insistedB) pressedC) maintainedD)The speaker _ the need for better education.A) insistedB) pressedC) maintainedD) stressed参考答案:D18. He conducted these instructional sessions with ( )and humor.A、animationB、animalC、advanceDHe conducted these instructional sessions with ( )and humor.A、animationB、animalC、advanceD、anxious参考答案:A19. He can only recall some( ) (零碎的) pictures of that accident now.A、fragmentaryB、fragileCHe can only recall some( ) (零碎的) pictures of that accident now.A、fragmentaryB、fragileC、fractiousD、fragrant参考答案:A20. You have to balance the advantage of living in a big city _ the disadvantaYou have to balance the advantage of living in a big city _ the disadvantages.A)offB) forC) amongD) against参考答案:D21. In Aristotle s view, the core of art is _.A、imitationB、emotionC、truthIn Aristotle s view, the core of art is _.A、imitationB、emotionC、truth答案:A22. 试述萨珀职业生涯发展各阶段的特点参考答案:(一)职业探索性阶段这一时期的职业生涯规划特点是:个人在试探性地选择自己的职业,试图通过变动不同的工作或工作单位而选定自己一生将从事的职业。在这时期里,员工希望经常调换不同工作的愿望十分强烈,如在本单位得不到满足,则往往会跳槽。从企业组织来说,要了解就业初期青年人的这一特点,给予选择职业方面的引导,并努力为他们提供多种工作,特别是具有挑战性又能吸引他们兴趣的工作机会和他们自我探索的机会。(二)立业与发展阶段这一时期职业生涯规划的特点是:个人在职业生涯中主要关心的是在工作中的成长、发展或晋升,成就感和晋升感强烈,而成就、发展或晋升对他们的激励力也最大。一般来说,处于这一阶段的员工,自己都有成长和发展的计划,并会为其目标的实现而竭尽全力。企业组织对处于这一职业阶段的员工要多提供在知识、技能上具有挑战性的工作和任务,让他们有更多的自我决策、自我管理的独立性,同时要在工作上提供咨询和各方面大力的支持,为其出成果创造良好的机会,使其在从事具有挑战性的工作任务中成长、发展和感到自己的成就。(三)职业维持阶段
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