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六年级上册 Unit 5 Signs 教学设计一、 教学内容:Cartoon time二、 教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1) 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇around。(2) 能正确地听、说、读词汇outing, walk on。(3) 能灵活运用日常交际用语和句型What does it mean? It means与他人进行日常交流。(4) 能整体理解Cartoon time中的对话,体会其幽默之处。2. 技能目标:能够运用日常交际用语和句型,向他人询问和介绍公共标识的意义。3. 情感态度目标:培养学生积极参与、快乐合作的学习品质。三、 教学重点:1. 在教室涉及到教学活动的引导下能够整体理解语篇,提高学生的阅读能力。2. 能在现实生活中比较自如的运用本单元日常交际用语和句型与他人进行日常交流。四、 教学难点: 在理解文本的基础上,复述对话内容。五、 教学准备:1. 教师准备:(1) 教具准备:教学图片、多媒体课件(2) 板书准备:课前在黑板上写好课题2. 学生准备:练习本,伴你学六、 教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1. Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today?2. Free talkT: We have learnt many signs. What are they?(PPT出示各种标志,指名说)T:What does this sign mean?S: It means .3. Play a game. (PPT出示 Fun time游戏)Step 2 Presentarion 1.出示Cartoon time对话情境图片T:Signs are important in our life . Lets watch an interesting cartoon about Bobby and Sam. 2.播放课文动画,学习新单词outing (1)学生观看动画并回答问题: Bobby和Sam在森林里可以吃香蕉吗? (2)听录音并回答问题:(PPT出示)a. Where are Bobby and Sam?b. How does Bobby feel?c. What is Bobby doing?d. What does the sign mean?(3)Try to understand the dialogue and answer the questions.(4)Check the answers.3.听录音并判断。(PPT出示)a.Bobby and Sam are on an outing. ( )b.Bobby is looking for the apples. ( )c.There are a lot of monkeys around them. ( )d.The monkeys want to eat their bananas. ( )Check the answers 并学习相关连的单词短语 look for, walk on, aroundStep 3 Consolidation1.PPT播放课文录音,学生跟读2.学生自由朗读,组内分角色扮演。3.记忆力大比拼: 根据课文内容填空Bobby and Sam are outing in the . It is time for . Bobby feels and .Bobby is looking for . He Sam a banana. They find a on a tree. What does it ? It means we cant bananas here. Then they see a lot of them. They are looking at Bobbys bananas.Step 4 Summary今天你学会了什么?1.中英文匹配:( )on an outing A.在树林里( )in the forest B.寻找( )feel tired and hungry C.在他们周围( )look for D.去远足( )around them E.觉得又累又饿2.连词成句。a. is time for lunch it b. Bobby tired hungry and feelsc. we means it cant here bananas eat Step 5 Homework 1.听Cartoon time录音3遍并模仿。2.抄写四会单词4遍。3.完成伴你学剩余题目。4.网上查找相关资料,自编对话交流。七、 板书设计 Unit 5 Signs What does this sign mean? It means .八、 教后笔记本版块讲述的是Bobby和Sam到森林里去游玩发生的有趣故事,学生们很乐意去学习这样的课文,这让他们在玩中学,也让他们乐于学,并能很好的在学中玩,复习巩固了本课的重点句型。教学效果很不错。
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