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仁爱版七年级上册 Unit1 Topic 1课文翻译Unit 1 Making New Friends交新朋友Topic 2 Where are you from?你来自哪里?Section A1aSally:Excuse me, are you Jane?萨莉:请问,你是简吗?Jane:Yes, I am. Whats your name, please?简:是的,我是。你叫什么名字?Sally:My name is Sally. Where are you from?萨莉:我叫萨莉。你来自哪里?Jane:Im from Canada. Are you from Canada, too?简:我来自加拿大。你也来自加拿大吗?Sally:No, Im not. Im from America.萨莉:不,我不是。我来自美国。2aA:Excuse me, who are they?A:请问,她们是谁?B:Theyre Maria and Jane.B:她们是玛丽亚和简。A:Are they from England?A:她们来自英国吗?B:No,they arent.B:不,她们不是。A:Where are they from?A:她们来自哪里?B:Maria is from Cuba and Jane is from Canada.B:玛丽亚来自古巴,简来自加拿大。Section B1aLook! Who is she?看!她是谁?She is Jane.她是简。Is she from Canada?她来自加拿大吗?Yes, she is.是的,她是。Look, Kangkang!看,康康!Is he Li Ming?他是李明吗?No, he isnt.不,他不是。He is Yukio.他是由纪夫。Where is he from?他来自哪里?He is from Japan.他来自日本。SectionC-1aWelcome!欢迎光临!Thanks!谢谢!Hi, Miss Chen!你好,王老师!Nice to see you.很高兴见到你。Nice to see you, too.我也很高兴见到你。Whats your name?你叫什么名字?My name is Li Jie.我叫李杰。Where are you from?你来自哪里?Yushancun.余山村。Whats your telephone number?你的电话号码是什么?It is 6807-5335.电话是6807-5335。Thank you very much.太谢谢你了。Thats OK.不客气。第 页
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