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作文Pollution 的教学 南汇一中初二备课组在教材Unit1 Page9 Speak up 这一环节中,有一个教学任务-To talk about the ways to fight pollution.Pollution 是一个不错的话题,因此决定以说促写。The first step:1. 同主题阅读在订阅的英语报上有一篇文章:Environment-how can you help protect it? 文章中写到两个方面:waste problems and some ideas to help solve them , 列出了五个ideas:Sort your rubbish; use recycled paper to help save trees; take your old clothes to charity shops; try not to buy plastic; dont buy overpacked products. 文中还把这几点细化了。因此,通过这篇文章的阅读,可以给学生更多的输入。2. 课堂讨论首先,介绍污染的概念及污染的类型;然后板书the harm of pollution and the ways to fight against pollution, 让学生就这两点进行小组讨论。经讨论后,学生的发言写满了整整一黑板的内容3. 当堂书写介绍文章的结构:1. Beginning sentences 2. The harm of pollution 3. The ways to fight 4. Ending 进行书写。The second step: 教师批阅The third step: 课堂讲评1. 分析典型错误2. 板书部分好句Transition sentences: We are responsible for fighting against pollution. I believe we are the best fighters against pollution.有的同学从harm 到ways 转地太突然,故提醒可以适当加个过渡句,起承上启下的作用。Endings: Lets take action! / Lets go. Do something good to the environment, and the world will be more beautiful. Its everyones duty to fight against pollution, isnt it? Lets work hard together to make our earth a beautiful paradise. Where there is a will, there is a way. If we all do something to protect our environment, nothing is impossible.写上个简简单单的结束句,可以使文章显得结构完整。有时,也可以起到锦上添花的作用。3. 美文欣赏The fourth step: 修改,重阅P.S PollutionIt is reported that there is more and more pollution in our life. Pollution does harm to peoples health. Air pollution makes the climate warmer and warmer. Water pollution causes fish to die so that we wont have enough fish to eat. In addition, noise pollution is bad for our ears and it also affects our daily life.Its natures tragedy as well as humans. So we must take action. We should travel by bike instead of driving cars. We had better stop using plastic bags and disposable chopsticks. We should obey the laws, not to cut down trees.Its everyones duty to fight against pollution, isnt it? PollutionDo you realize something serious about pollution? If the answer is “no”, I will tell you then.Pollution mainly contains air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution. They all bring us a lot of terrible problems. For example, the polluted air is harmful to our health when we breathe it all the time. Noise pollution makes people unable to work or study well. How terrible pollution is! So it is necessary for us to find useful ways against pollution.Here are some ways:First, we should go out on foot or by bicycle instead of driving a car. Because that can reduce the amount of harmful gases. Next, we mustnt throw rubbish into water. Thirdly, we should plant more trees in order to prevent noise.I believe that all of us will take action soon and I hope there will be less pollution on the Earth. PollutionNowadays, pollution is becoming a more and more serious problem all over the world. Do you know what pollution causes and how we can solve this problem?There are many kinds of pollution. Air pollution is one of them. Many cars and buses release harmful gases into the air and then the air we breathe becomes dirtier and dirtier. Water pollution is also serious. It makes people unable to drink pure water. Sound pollution is mainly from cars and it makes a lot of people uncomfortable.Pollution is so serious that we must do something to reduce it. Planting trees is a good idea to solve it. We should protect trees. We can call on more people to plant trees. We can set up laws to prevent more pollution. We can also tell people not to leave rubbish to keep our environment clean.Lets work hard together to make our earth a beautiful paradise.4
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