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Position or Friend BCDE在食堂吃饭,CD坐在对方对面的位置,E在D的旁边,在聊今天的食物,聊的很欢,A端着一瓶饮料兴奋走过来A:Hello,buddies.remember when we are trying to figure out what that smell coming from professor toms office was ?B:yeah?A:it turns out it was professor tom.dead at his desk for two weeks.just like the student in 南昌航空大学B:oh my god .C:that is terrible.A:the department is asking that everyone donate a bottle of deodorant instead of flowers .D:if we are going to chang the topic from the food ,i will be okay with my new haircut or how great a film the iron man is .B:show a little compassion .a man died .A:and turned into a puddle of goo.now we can either sit around and cry over professor tom or.we can rejoice in the knowledge that a tenured position has just opened up .i choose to do the latter.D excuse me .the whole tenure system is ridiculous .a guaranteed job for life only encourages the stuff to be lazy .if we want science to advance ,people should have chips implanted in their brains that explode when they say sth stupid .E:well ,i believe people do their best work when they feel safe and secure.D把手放在E脑袋上演示炸弹爆炸的情形,并发出声音。A if you want to find me ,you will find me in the office of the tenure committee.A愉快走开,其余四人继续聊天B are you all going to kiss the committees ass to get the position.you know i am not qualified so i do not need to consider it .C no .i mean i will apply , but i am not gonna to play politics.E yeah, me neither .it should be about the work,and if i cannot get the tenure,id like to see you or D get it .D:E,do not give B false hope in front of B like that ,you will make him sad .C excuse me ,but i think i am just am qualified as you are .D在C面前乱舞,仿佛要打他,C用眼神鄙视他当晚,他们各自各别人说起这个事情F是C的朋友,G是D的朋友,而E则是和B说起F:so tenured means a job for life ?CyesFand they cannot fire you even you even if you are bad at it ?C mm ,yes F so who do you have to bribe to get the perfect job?Ci am not gonna bribe anyone .i will let my job speak for itself .Fthat is great .that shows a lot of integrity.Cthank you 先笑再变脸i am a naive idiot ,right ?F oh ,good ,you finally get back to normal .D al-through i disagree with the tenure system,if they gave it to me ,it wouldnt influence my excellent attitude toward my work .you know i am like the sun . I just cannot stop my bright brain working .G are C and E are also competing for it as well ?DyesGdo they know they do not have a chance at all ?because you are so great .D you can always find the fact .that is why i like you so much .Gbut if you do want to get the job ,maybe you should cozy up to the people making the decision.D genius does not do “cozy”.G okay D but i suppose it wouldnt hurt to know who is on the committee.lets see.oh ,it is H .oh dear .E和C边喝酒边说,有点微醉E: it would be nice to have the increased income .you know i am bad at reducing my expense .with the money ,i can stop asking for money from my parents . You have no idea how bad it is to get money from parents at such an age .B yes ,i understand you .E no ,you donot ,i just want them to be a little proud of me ,just once,带点哭腔第二天,公园H在打太极,打的很认真D:hey H,what a coincidence .you play taiji too?H yeah ,it is just a hobby 。事实上D不会,在那乱打,还总是打到H,H无语,离开准备去吃早餐,这时A出现了,拿着面包,D愤然离开A朝着D的背影说A hey ,H,i heard you liked to eat this kind of bread ,i just bought some ,how about eating together .guy ,i am sorry ,i did not bring yours .H thank you for your breakfast .H去办公室,发现C在门口等,手里拿着很多东西C good morning ,H ,i heard you like to eat food produced in countryside .my mother sent one to me and i think you need it more than i do .H摇头oh ,thankyou but i think it is not proper .C oh please accept it .H well ,i accept it ,but do not do it next time C ok,goodbye .have a nice day H进入办公室,发现里面已经站了个C,手里拿着一盆仙人掌cactusH oh god ,what are you doing here ?how did you get in ?C i just found your window was not closed and here i am .and i am here to give you a surprise .Isnt it?H yeah ,you did surprise me 无奈的C i know you have to use computer everyday ,so i bought this for you ,it is said it helps prevent radiation .H okay ,will you stop doing this if i accept it C if you like 中午吃饭,BCDE重聚B:i heard professor toms funeral will be held tomorrow ,will you come ?D oh ,i already have an appointment .C i have to go shopping for some new clothesE my sister is coming ,i have to pick her up.Bare you sure ,because i heard that H will be there 其余三人惊到,一口同声说,are you sure ?葬礼现场D带着他朋友G先到,这时E和B出现E D,what are you doing here ?should not you be on an appointment ?D:i am having my appointment here ,what about you?Where is your sister?C突然带着F出现C well well well ,fancy meeting you here .i guess this is really a good place for appointment and it even turned B into Es sisterD but you said you are not going to come eitherG突然插话G i wonder why F is here F i am here to support my man just like
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