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Unit 1 What s the matter一、根据语境选择should 与shouldn t填空1 .- Oh, I hurt my back.-You lie down and rest.2 . He has a fever. We take a temperature for him.3 . He has a toothache. He eat sweets and he clean histeeth often.4 .I put some medicine on the cut? Yes, you.二、根据陈述,将病症写在横线上。1. I talked too much yesterday and didn t drink enough water. So Inow.2. I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn t put on my jacket. Now I.3. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt my back. It seemed OK at first,but now I.4. I ate too much junk food at my friend s birthday party. So last nigh t, I almost couldn t get myself out of bed this morning. I still now.5. I didn t sleep very wel last night. J can t eat anything because my teeth hurt a lot. I.三、用所给词组填空,注意形式。see a dentist eat anything drink a lot of water go to bed earlycut oneself lie down and rest take breaks stay healthy1.1 exercise every day in order to().2. I have a toothache, I should 3. Jim has a sore throat, the doctor asks him to.4. If you have a fever, you should.5. The little boy had a stomachache, he should not.6. It is healthy for a child toand get up early every day.7. It s necessary to after you read books for an hour, or(否贝U )youwill have sore eyes8. He. I am putting some medicine onthe cut for him.四、中文情景,根据中文提示,完成下列问答句。1 .医生问你哪儿不舒服,可以这么问: with you?2 . 当你的妈妈头痛时,你会这样给她建议: 3 .当有人感冒时,你会这样给他建议: 4 .当你的爸爸牙痛时,你会这样给他建议: 5 .朋友告诉你他胃痛,你会这样给他建议:6 .当你的同学喉咙疼时,你应这样给他的妈妈建议:7 .当你不知如何处理某事时,这样向别人征求建议: 五、用适当的单词完成对话。A:What s the 1. with Tony?B:He 2. a sore leg.A:Oh,I m sorry to hear that. I m sure that he can t come to the sports show.B:But he likes it very much. He needs help.A:Well,he 3. see a doctor earlier and rest well.B:I think so.A:I hope he feel 4. soon.B:Let s go and see him.六、重点词句检测课时二 一、翻译下列词组并造句1. see sb. doing sth.2. without doing sth.3. shout for help4. get off5. expect sb. to do sth. 6. think about7. to one s surpri se8. wait for9. move- onto/into10. what happened11. by accident12. It s sad that 13. in time14. thank to15. save one s life 16. right away二、熟读3a,根据上下文,完成下列短文,答案不是唯一的,每空一词。Today many people don t want to help others because they don t want to get into 1. . But some people are very kind and theyare always ready to help others. They will try to help others when they see someone is in 2. My uncle is one of them.My uncle is a taxi 3. He is very busy every day. One day when he was driving along the street, he saw a woman4. on the side of the road. A small boy next to her was 5. for help. There were many people around the woman, but few of them helped her. My uncles stopped his taxi 6. thinking twice and tried to 7.the woman into his taxi and drove to the nearest 8.9. to my uncle, the doctor saved the womanin 10. After the woman s husband got to hospital, my uncle left quietly.、阅读。生词策略:遇到不会的词,首选根据上下文猜词意,如果猜不出来词义,并且该词严 重影响阅读,请查字典。September 2th is Love Teeth Day. Teeth are important in many ways. I think our teeth need care. If you take care of them, they ll help take care of you. Strong, healthyteeth help you chew the right foods to help you grow. They help you speak clearly. And yes, they help you look your best.How do we keep our teeth healthy? Here are some tips:Brush at least twice a day after breakfast and before bedtime. If you can, brush after lunch or after sweet snacks.Brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Spend some time on the teeth along the sides and in the back. Have your dentist show you the best way to b rush to get your teeth clean.Take your time while brushing. Spend at least 2 or 3 minutes each time you brush.If you have trouble keeping track of the time, use a timer or play a recording of a song you like to help pass the time.You can also brush your tongue to help keep your breath fresh!Go to the hospital and visit the dentist twice a year. The dentist will help keep your teeth extra clean and can help you learn the best way to brush.1. We should brush our teeth every day.A. onceB. at least twiceC. more than 4 times2. The passage( 段落)doesn t tell usA. the way to brush teeth.B. the way to keep the breath fresh.C. the way to deal with toothache when it happens.3. The main idea of the passage is about.A. how to chew the right foods B. how to keep teeth healthy C. How to speak clearly.四、重点词句检测课时三一、如果遇到以下的事故,应该怎么办?参考课本或根据你的经验写下你的建议。1.1. If you cut your finger(手指),you should 23.1.2. If you fell down, you should J2.3.1.3. If you have a nosebleed, you should2.:3.二、根据上下文完成下列短文,词数不限。参考听力。Jenny is a nurse at No. Five Middle School. She had a busy day today. One boy himself in P.E. class. He was running under the hot sun and then he and. He cut his knee, so Jenny the cut and put some onit , then put a bandage on it. Luckily it. Jenny also took his tem
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