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【篇一】reach的用法reach的用法1: reach作“伸手可及的距离”解,是单数名词,可与不定冠 词d连用,引申可表示(效果或影响)“所及的范围”。reach的用法2: reach作“(江河的)河段”解时,指河流两弯曲处或运河两 船闸之间的河段,常用于复数形式。reach的用法3: reach的基本意思是指人“到达”某地,引申可表示某人与 其他人“达成” 了一致的意见、协议等;用于指物可表示某条道路、路线等“延 伸”至某一地方,引申可表示某消息、影响“传到”某处。reach的用法4: reach既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物 动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的 宾语。用作不及物动词时,常与after, for, to等介词连用。reach的用法5: reach可用于被动结构。【篇二】reach的常用短语用作动词(v.)reach across (v. +prep)reach after (v. +prep)reach back (v. +adv.)reach down (v. +adv)reach for (v.+prep)reach into (v. +prep)reach out (v. +adv.)reach to (v +prep)reach up (v. +adv.)用作名词(n.)beyond (out) of one s reachwithin reach【篇三】reach的用法例句1 It was the uncommitted that Labour needed to reach工党需要拉拢的是未表态者。2 I tried to reach the foot brakes but I couldn t我试图去够脚刹,但是没能踩到。3 He recovered from a 4一2 deficit to reach the quarter-finals他在2比4落后的情况下实现逆转闯进1/4决赛。4. Amy went and kissed him, and then danced out of his reach埃米过去吻了他一下,接着就从他怀里跳开了。5 I got a message you were trying to reach me.我收到一条留言,说你想跟我联系。6 Isabelle placed a wine cup on the table within his reach伊莎贝尔把酒杯放在桌上他伸手可及的地方。7. His score of 29 had helped Leicestershire reach a presentable total.他拿下29分,帮助莱斯特郡队获得了一个不错的总成绩。8 Girls generally reach sexual maturity two years earlier than boys. 通常女孩性发育成熟要比男孩早两年。9. I moved on round the big house to reach my pad我绕过大房子走向我的公寓。10. Attempts to reach a mutually agreed solution had been fruitless.试图达成一个双方都赞成的解决方案的努力毫无结果。11. Keep breakables out of reach of very young children.把易碎物品放在小孩子够不到的地方。12. It is located within reach of many important Norman towns, including Bayeux它邻近许多重要的诺曼城镇,包括贝叶。13. It would be a disaster for them not to reach the semi-finals. 如果不能挺进半决赛,对他们来说就是完败。14. It had taken Masters about twenty hours to reach the house马斯特斯用了约20个钟头才到达那所房子。13. He managed to reach a partial agreement with both republics他设法与两个共和国都达成了部分协议。
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