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江苏省句容市九年级英语上册 Unit 6 TV programmes Grammar学案(新版)牛津版一、教学目标1.知识目标:进一步认识和掌握与电视节目相关的词汇、词组。2.技能目标:学会运用if引导的条件状语从句。3.技能目标:学会运用unless引导的条件状语从句 教学重点、难点正确运用if和unless引导的条件状语从句二、词汇、短语 1.win a prize 赢得一个奖 winner 获奖者2introduce sth to sb 向某人介绍3have a chance to do 有机会做某事4.plete (vt) all her homework 完成她所有的家庭作业 plete(adj):完全的5live as a family 群居生活6travel around it with a guide. 导游带领旅游7have little interest in it. 对它几乎没兴趣 interested , interesting 8hunt for their own food寻找他们自己的食物9take an umbrella带把雨伞 take sth with sb随身携带某物三、句型(语法) if作为连词,引导条件状语从句,它表示的意思是“假如”“如果”等。在复合句中如果主句用将 来时,则if引导的状语从句用一般现在时。例如: 1. If it doesnt rain, we will go to the park next Sunday. 如果天不下雨,下周星期天我们将去公园。 2. If you ask him,he will help you如果你求他,他将会帮助你。 3.If you are a football fan, you may feel sad about it.4.If a bear is in danger, it will attack people.Unless = if . not unless在意义上可以理解为ifnot,在有些情况下两者可以互换使用。如:I cant see unless I wear glasses. =I cant see if I dont wear glasses. (1)主句为肯定句。如: You will miss the bus unless you hurry up. Youll fail your Chemistry test again unless you work harder. (2)主句为否定句或含有表示否定意义的词。如: Unless you are friendly to people, you wont get on well with them You will never get anywhere unless you set your goal1. We will go to the park tomorrow unless it rains. We will go to the park tomorrow if it doesnt rain.2. Unless you help me, I will not finish the work before the end of this month. If you do not help me, I will not finish the work before the end of this month. 九年级上册 Unit6 Grammar学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【课前导学】1. Words and phrases. 2.与本课语法关联知识或已学知识归纳。3. Preparation for class activities. 【课堂学习】Step1 Check the answers, and choose some students to write their answers on the blackboard.Step2 Lead-in(free talk)Step3 .Pair work Look at the pictures, then ask and answer like this T: What will you see if you go to Hongshan Zoo?S: If I go to Hongshan Zoo, I will T: OK. You will if you go to Hongshan Zoo.Step4 ConclusionWork out the rule by these examples.We often use the simple _ (future , present) tense in the if-clause. We need a _ (ma, full stop) after the if-clause when it is the first part of a sentence.Step5 Practice1. Finish PartA1 on Page84.2. Look at some pictures about tigers and bears.Step6 Discussion (Group work)Why are Giant Pandas in danger? What can we do to help them?They are in danger because _.( a doctor, a singer, a policeman, an actor )Step7 PresentationUsing “if” and “unless”.1. Task1: Why do I want to go to Beijing Zoo? Task2: Unless = if not We can use unless to say that something can only happen or be true in a particular situation.The situation will continue unless humans stop hunting them for their fur and bones. =The situation will continue _ humans _ stop hunting them for their fur and bones.Step8 Conclusion.Translate some sentences and work out the rule.We use the simple _ (future, present) tense in the unless-clause.Step9 Homework1. Review what we have learnt today. 2.Do some exercises.【课后拓展】一、根据句意和中文提示写出单词1. _ (除非)it snows next Sunday, we are going to clean up the park.2. I hear some animals might _ (攻击) people if they are hungry.4. We will arrive at the _ (摄影棚) around 9:30 a.m.5. You wont need to take the _ (中巴车) unless you are tired.6. You will have a chance to see that TV programme if it is r_.7. If Daniel takes part in the game, he _(可能) win a prize.8. The _(情形) will continue going worse unless humans take action at once.9. If you are a football f_, you will be excited to watch the World Cup.10. M_ wolves will protect their families.二、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. If Amy takes part in the game show, she _ (win) a prize.2. Unless you try your best, you_ (not realize) your dream.3. Everybody _ (be) sad if we dont win the football match.4. What will a polar bear do if its _ (hunger)?5. Unless I _ (invite), I wont go to the party.6. If you have a chance _ (study) abroad, please take it.7. If you enjoy _ (see) the film Wolf Warriors , you can see it again.8. If it _ (not rain) tomorrow, she will introduce it to us.9. If Mary finds a game interesting, she _(introduce) it to us.10. If you _(not be ) careful enough in the exam, you wont get good grades.三、单项选择( )1. The old theatre will close soon _ some extra donations are made.A. so B. if C. because D. unless( ) 2. How many people will _ tomorrows presentation? A. attend B. take part C. join D. go in( ) 3. We dont know if his mother _for Beijing tonight. If she _ there, she will call us.
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