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四上 U3 测试卷姓名_ 学号 _ 班级_ 成绩_ 听 力 部 分一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项。( )1. A.16B. 17C. 18( )2.A. nineB. niceC. rice( )3.A. haveB. hasC. hat( )4.A. How manyB. How oldC. How much( )5.A. so funnyB. so lovelyC. so cute二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项。( )1. A. anyB. manyC. some( )2.A. fiveB. fineC. fifteen( )3.A. playB. planeC. please( )4.A. theyB. theseC. those( )5.A. have a lookB. have oneC. look at三、选出你所听到句子的答句。( )1. A. Its thirteen.B. I have thirteen.C. Im thirteen.( )2.A. Yes, I have it.B. Yes, I dont.C. Yes, I do.( )3.A. Its very nice.B. Theyre very nice.C. What a nice shirt!( )4.A. I have some balls.B. I like balls.C. I can play balls.( )5.A. I dont like bears.B. I like pandas, too.C. I like pandas.四、听录音,判断所听内容与下面句子意思是否相符,相符的写T,不相符的写F。( )1. I like the toy car.( )2.Helen has twelve stickers.( )3.These pandas are very beautiful.( )4.Bobby cant play table tennis.( )5.The balls are in the box.五、听录音,补全句子,每空一词。1. -How many _ do you have? -I have _ .2. - _ I have one? - _ .3. - _ do you have? -I have some _ .4. - _at my new stickers. - Theyre _.5. - Lets_ a _ salad.笔 试 部 分一、语音题。a. 根据所给单词划线部分的发音规则补全单词。每条短线填一个字母。1. look _ ike love _ y 2. fourteen tr_ _ _ _t3. play _ _ ghteen t _ ble 4. many _ lephant l _ t5. good l _ _ k f _ _ tballb. 判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写T,不同的写F。( )1.clocksticker( )2.havecake( )3.sixteensit( )4.libraryruler( )5.toyboy( )6.dodog 二、按要求写单词。1. dont(完整形式)_2. these(对应词)_3. have(三单形式)_4. nice(近义词)_5. it(复数)_6. mango(复数)_7. you(物主代词)_8. I(宾格)_9.me(复数)_10. am(复数)_三、词组互译。1. 十八辆玩具汽车_2. 许多球_3. 看一看_4. 一些漂亮的贴纸_5. 多少根香蕉_6. in that box_7. so funny_8. the lion in the library_9. all those cakes_10. those long rulers_四、选择题。( )1.- _storybooks do you have? -Sixteen.A. How manyB. How muchC. How old( )2.-What _ you _? -I have a ruler.A. do, haveB. do, likeC. do, has( )3.-Do you have _ pies? -No, but I have _milk.A. some, anyB. any, aC. any, some( )4.- _ are you? -Im thirteen.A. How manyB. How muchC. How old( )5.-_ you play table tennis? - No, I cant.A. DoB. CanC. Are( )6.- Look at my new T-shirts. - _.A. Its beautiful.B. Thats beautiful.C. Theyre beautiful.( )7.-What does your sister have? -She _ some dolls. A. haveB. hasC. to has( )8.-How many_ can you see in the tree? - I can see one bird in the tree.A. a bird B. birdC. birds( )9.你想告诉对方你有许多尺,你可以说:A. I have some rulers.B. I have many rulers.C. I have any rulers. ( )10.你向别人要一样东西时,你可以说:A. Can I have a look?B. Can I have one?C. Can I do this?五、选择恰当的词填空。1. -How many _ (mango 、 mangoes) do you have? - Ten.2. -Do you have _ (some、any) stickers? -Yes, I do.3. -How old _ (is、are) your brother? -Hes five.4. -Can you play table tennis? -No, I _ (can、cant).5. -I have a ball. Lets _ (play、plays). -Great! 六、根据上下文及首字母提示填空。-Hello, Mike.-Hello, Helen. -Welcome to m home. Come in, please.-Thank you. Helen.-I have some c_. Look, theyre on the t_.-H_ nice! How m_ cakes do you h_?-Lets count. One, two, three . t_. I have thirteen cakes.-I like cakes. C_ I have one?-S_, here you are.七、选择正确的答句。( )1.How many robots do you have?A. Its in the box.( )2.Can I have it?B. I have six.( )3.What would you like?C. I have six balls.( )4.What do you have?D. Yes, you can have it.( )5.Wheres the ball?E. No, I like blue.( )6.Do you like red?F. Id like a sticker.( )7.What do you like?G. I like dogs. 八、按要求改写句子。1. I have some toy cats. (对画线部分提问
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