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新概念第一册L73-82阶段测试一单项选择 (答案写在题号前)1. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way _ the Hongxing School, please?A. on B. for C. to D. of2. We _ a good time last weekend in Qingdao.A. are going to have B. are having C. had D. have3. She says to_,“ I must get home before seven oclock.A. themselves B. himself C. she D. herself4. What colors_ you _ this bookcase? I _ it red A. are , going to paint, am going to paint B. do, paint, paintedC. did, paint, paint D. do, painted, painted5. _ you at home yesterday evening?Yes, I _ with my mother. A. Were, were B. Was, were C. Were, was D. Was, were6. I usually _ some milk every day. But I _ coffee yesterday. A. drink, drank B. am drinking, drink C. drank, am drinking D. drink, drink7. I cant sit here. This chair is very_A. uncomfortable B. discomfortable C. comfortable D. noncomfortable8. I am sorry I cant wait for you. I have an appointment _ Mr. Li todayA. and B. with C. between D. to9. _ your mother?A. Is she not B. Isnt she C. Does she not D. Is not she.10. Isnt she a student? _A. Yes, she isnt B. No, she is C. No, she isnt D. She is11. Didnt you go to visit you grandfather yesterday? _A. Yes, I did B. Yes, I didnt C. No, I did D. No, I went12. _ you know Mr. Green? He is a teacher in our school.A. Arent B. Are not C. Dont D. Does not13. Can I go and play basketball, Mum? -Certainly. But you _come back before ten oclock. A. need to B. can C. need D. must14. Lisa, _ you speak English? -Ye, but only a little.A. need B. must C. are D. can15. Would you like some vegetables? _A. Yes, I am sorry B. Yes, pleaseC. No, youre welcome D. No, you eat it.16. Would you like some meat? -No, thank you, Id like to_ some bread.A. come B. drink C. enjoy D. have17. Would you like to _ a cigarette?A. take B. eat C. have D. drink18. She _ to London every year.A.go B.goes C.went D.is gong19. Cant you wait _ this afternoon?A.for b.at C.till D.in20. You must come _2 p.m._Friday. A.on,at B.at,on C.in,on D.at,in二用正确的副词填空quickly thirstily usually badly suddenly pleasantly certainly slowly warmly hurriedly1 The boy drank the water _.2 He was on the way home, _ it rained.3 Bob is _ a hard-working man.4 We talked _ and enjoyed ourselves.5 “ What else do you want, sir? The shop assistant asked me _.6 My father _ cooks a meal at noon on Sunday.7 She got up late and rushed her teeth _ this morning.8 You mustnt drive so _.9 The boat is going across the river _.10. Lucy cut herself _ last night.三 用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. She_ (write) a letter home last week. 2.They_(eat) their lunch at school everyday. 3. My sister_(feel) sick the night before last. 4. You_(be)late this morning.5.I_(have)anexcitingparty tomorrow.6._she_(practice)herguitaryesterday? No,she_.7.Theyall_(go)tothemountainsyesterdaymorning.8._(be)yourmotherasalesassistant(售货员)lastyear? No.she_.四句型转换1. He swam very well this afternoon.(变一般疑问句)_2. They were in fashion last year. (对划线部分提问)_in fashion?3. She works in a factory. (对划线部分提问)_ 4. They are having their lunch now. (同义句转换)They are _their lunch now.5. They have got many bananas. (改为一般疑问句)_五英汉互译 1. 我对伦敦不熟悉,所以不能告诉他路。2. 你不能等他到五点半吗?3. 我没有啤酒了,但是我也不打算去买。4. 我希望他们能玩得愉快。5. 杰克星期六通常上课6. 鲍勃正在洗澡。莎莉正在吃早餐。7. 恐怕你现在不能和老板谈话。8. 我哥哥20分钟前去学校了。七完形填空 (答案写在题号前) Spring is the best 1 of the year. It 2 from March to May. The days get longer(更长), the nights get shorter(更短) and the 3 get warmer(更温暖). 4 begins to grow. Grass and trees begin to turn green. Flowers begin to 5 . Children begin to fly kites(放风筝) outdoors. Summer comes after spring. It is the hottest(最热) season in the year. It lasts from June to August. People try to find a 6 place then. They always go 7 in pools, lakes and rivers. Autumn is the harvest(收获) season. It gets cool. Farmers
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