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第一、第二单元检测题一默写下列短语(20分)1. 通过做单词抽认卡 2.向某人求助 3. 朗读4. 通过那种方式 5.提高我的会话技巧 6.例如7. 玩得高兴 8.与朋友对话 9.高兴,激动10.以说汉语结束对话 11. 做有关的调查 12. 记英语笔记13.英语口语 14.犯错误 15. 使发音准确16. 练习说英语 17. 首先 18. 以开始19. 随后 20.在课堂上 21. 嘲笑22. 记笔记 23.喜欢干 24. 写下,记下25.查找,查询 26. 说本族话的人 27. 编造,虚构,化妆,打扮28. 全世界 29. 对待,处理,解决 30.担心,担忧31.生某人的气 32.生气 33. 消逝34.把当做 35.抱怨 36. 把变成37.在的帮助下 38. 把和作比较 39想起,想到40.身体上的问题 二、选择填空(20分)1. Jack likes playing soccer, but he doesnt like playing piano. A. /, / B. the, / C. /, the2. do you improve your listening? -I improve it listening to tapes. A. How; with B What; by C: How; by 3. seems that Jane has known the bad news. A. That B. It C. This 4. All of us were at the news. A. frustrating, frustrating B. frustrating, frustrated C. frustrated, frustrating 5. When we practice _ English, we often end up speaking in Chinese. A. to speak B. speaking C. spoken 6. It is impolite to those persons in trouble. A. laugh to B. laugh with C. laugh at7. If you dont know how to spell a new word, youd better .A. look up a dictionary B. look up an dictionary C. look it up in a dictionary 8 Jane is so shy that she is afraid of in front of a group. A. spoke B. speaking C. speaks9. My grandfather us stories when I was young.A. was used to tell B. used to telling C. used to tell 10. I had a little trouble English grammar. A. to learn B. learned C. learning 11. Chen Hui was chewing gum . A. anyway B. all the time C. all time 12. This student wrote _ composition (作文) last week.A. a 80-word B. an 80-words C. an 80-word 13. Youll fail the exam _ you work hard. A. if B. unless C. or14. I dont know _ with this problem. Its too hard. A. how to do B. when to do C. what to do 15. Tony is very _ his new MP3 and he always shows it to others. A. good at B. interested in C. afraid of16. _ of the twins has been to New York. A. Both B. Nobody . Neither 17. Why _ ask the teacher _ help ? A. dont; for B. dont; to C. not; for 18. Its not easy for him _ his listening skills. A. improve B. to improve C. improving19.Do you mind my opening the window? _. A. Not at all B. Youre welcome C. Of course 20. I musnt give up _ English easily. A. to study B. studying C. studied 三、用所给词的正确形式填空 (20分)1. She learns Chinese by _ (work) with friends.2. _ you ever _ (study) with a group?3. He said that he enjoyed _ (learn) English.4. This kind of paper _ (feel) very soft.5. If you dont know how _ (spell) new words, look them up in a dicktionary.6. I spent 100 yuan _ (buy) this pair of shoes.7. Why _ (not go) to the park tomorrow?8. We must try our best _ (learn) English.9. What about _ (read) aloud to practice pronunciation?10. Mr Green used to be afraid of _ (be) alone.四阅读理解 (40分) 第一篇When do you think of a forest, what do you see? Just trees? Or do you see many other things, such as singing birds, colorful plants and wild flowers?The forest is a whole world of its own. It is full of many different living things(生物). But even though they are all different, they have one thing in common: they all need each other in order to live on The trees feed the forest “people” by making food in their leaves; by using sunlight to join water and minerals(矿物) from the soil and air. Their deep network of roots joins the soil together and stops it from dying out, making it possible for living things to live in it.Human beings(人类) are like the living things in the forest. We need one another in order to live. We need the farmers to grow our food, railroad and truck drivers to bring it to our shops and clerks(售货员) to sell it to us. We need people to prepare our food and cook it and others to take our waste things away. Then, of course, we need doctors, nurses, government leaders, mailmen, telephone operators, and many others.We also need other human beings in another way. We need people for friendship, to talk over our problems, exchange ideas. Think how lonely and unhappy you would be if you lived all alone.Life is a matter of giving and taking. We need to help other people as much as we need other people to help us. Think what a good feeling you have when you have done something for someone else. You know, being a volunteer is so great!( ) 1. According to the text, colorful plants and flowers live on
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