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南宁中考(四市同城)英语二单选从下列每题所给的A.D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上选定答案的字母标号涂黑。1.-Sr for being late.-_A. ats rue. B Heryoar. C. Neverin . Certain.32.Heote ahe ne oV for naly _hou ater diner.A. a B. an . the D/33.-Tony, _yu singEnglishong?-Ys, ca. n . may Cned . must34.-I his yourApp wtc?-o, its not_.Its ils.A. my B mie C. you D us3.h csedthdoo _inrdrnot to maehergranp awake.A.angrily B oudl .cleary Duiey6.His moter oesnt lie to tro away d thigs _hy are usess.A but B. ecaus .even if D. sthat7.I he _Gulin, hl probay go t Yangho.A.viits B. isitig C. wl isit D. haviite3.I thin all th heavy ifficul job _bymachines andrbots i the fuue.A. do B. wlldo C. are done wll be on3.You shl _orhoesbre you etr the danc oom.A. ke ff B put of . get of D fallof40.-Could yo tell me_?-One a month.A how ofe yugo to hesuermrket.B. h en yo o t the supermetC. ho soon wi you o to hsuermket.D. ow oon yo ll go to the supermarke三.完型填空(共10小题,每题1分,共10分。)oy was sent by hiparento a bring(寄宿)chol. Beforeing tthebarng schol,ti boy wa thestuet in his lass Hea thtop in everycoetition. te boychd er leainghomend tndin he boarding shoo His grade(成绩)tarteddoppng.He aed being i group.Hewas _42_ll th time i arentsstared_43_ th by Sohis dad eciedto traveto thrdin schol andtalkwith him.he a y te ke nearthe scool.T fate starte t askhim some _44_ abt hi classes, taherndsports.ter e e his dasaid, “Dea, do o know 45_ Imhee tday?” The by answerd back, “o cck m 46?” “o, no.” his da_47_, “Imhee to ell yu tha youart mst important prson orme wnt tose you hppy. dont carebout raes. I ce ot you.I care about you hapness. OU RE MY IFE” Theewr caued the bs ye o il_48_tears. Heugghis dad.ydidnt s 49to each oer for a long tm.Te boy knew teewassmene on thisath o caedrhi 0.Toda hi young mais n ollge nd is at the t of iscas .Noonhas eer seen hm a!41.A fatest B. rst bet ealtest4. xc .lonely C. ctve D. onest4 A. alling on B. looig fr C. indiot D. orryin bu44. A. agrements B. reaons C.queon D. lson5. A.h . we C. how D. why46. . grads . grups Cspors D. alt47.A.read B replid Cot . thou48. A. with B. p C. n out4.nothin B.omthing C. anhg D. rythn0. A. hardly B. quicky C. heavily .ely四、阅读理解(共20小题,155每题1分,70每题2分,共5分) A D sehin fo hers here realways ome old cloths you dont want. And there is aays som fod you ont at. ha cnyouo? Snhem ohe to plc. al of Kndne You ane Wal of Kinness iman ctes now,ke Shnghai, Bijng,iae andQingda. Peope ang their o loheson the wall.Peopl whoned mcan tak e clothes ay. You can alwaseejakts, eaers, trouses an cotonthwall hare rig hn h isfist Shre Fridge.Its i hanhai. ere is a loto food in i,lik ckes. heood isfrmome staurant a shops Poledotnee to buy he fobecause its free.Theyan take ithom. 根据上述内容,判断下列句子正误,对的的在答题卡上将“”涂黑,错误的在答题卡上将“F”涂黑。 51.e cantsee allof Kidnss in iame Pepwnete ches on he wall antae hem way5Chinahas t firsShaeFridge iShanghai5.Pople hav payfor h fooin Shar Fridg.55Wallf Kidess andShre Frdge e elf to peole. BMan of youma ano sudy abroad after higschol . ut atthe same time,moe an oeintenaioal studentsfmohe cunries aecoming t sudy in hia. 37,635ineatina sudes ame o Chi i .ccorng toa reprt frmthe Studc wite(网站) .hna is noe thid mostpopulr ouryfrintrai
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