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日常交际用语1. 问候Greetingsa. Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hello/Hi!How are you?b. Fine,thank you. And you?Very well,thank you. 2. 介绍Introductionsa. This is Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/These areand they areb. How do you do?Nice/Glad to see/meet you. c. My name isIm a student/worker etc. 3. 告别Farewellsa. I think its time for us to leave now. /Im afraid I must go now. b. Goodbye!(Byebye!Bye!)See you later/tomorrow. (See you. )Good night. 注晚上见面时,只能说Good evening,睡觉前要用Good night来告别。4. 打电话Making telephone callsa. Hello! May I speak to?Is that(speaking)?b. Hold on,please. This isspeaking. He/She isnt here right now/at the moment. Can I take a message for you?c. I called to tell/ask youd. Goodbye. 5. 感谢和应答Thanks and responsesa. Thank you(very much)。Thanks a lot. Many thanks. Thanks forb. Thats very nice of you. Its very kind of you to say so/do it. Thank you all the same. c. Not at all. Thats all right. /Its my pleasure. Youre welcome. /Thats OK. 6. 祝愿、祝贺和应答Good wishes,congratulations and responsesa. Good luck!Best wishes to you. Have a nice/good time. Congratulations!Happy birthday to you. b. Thank you. 注回答对方只是对自己某一方面时,用“Thank you. ”而共有的节日要用“The same to you. ”c. Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!d. The same to you. 7. 意愿IntentionsIm going toI willId like toI want/hope to8. 道歉和应答Apologies and responsesa. Im sorry. (Sorry. )Im sorry for/aboutExcuse me. b. Thats all right. It doesnt matter. Thats nothing. Never mind. 9. 遗憾和同情Regrets and sympathyWhat a pity!Im sorry to hear that. 10. 邀请和应答Invitations and responsesa. Will you come to?Would you like to?b. Yes. Id love toYes. Its very kind/nice of you. c. Id love to. But11. 提供帮助和应答Offers and responsesa. Can I help you?/May I help you?What can I do for you?Here,take this/my/Here you are. Let mefor you. Would you like some?b. Thanks. That would be nice/fine. Thank you for your help. /Thank you for helping me. Yes,please. c. No,thanks/thank you. Thats very kind of you,but12. 请求允许和应答Asking for permission and responsesa. May I?Can/could I?b. Yes/Certainly. Yes,do please. Of course(you may)。Thats OK/all right. C . Im sorry,butYoud better not. 13. 表示同意和不同意Expressing agreement and disagreementa. Certainly/Sure/Of course. Yes,please. Yes,I think so. Thats true. All right/OK. Thats a good idea. I agree(with you)。b. No,I dont think so. Im afraid not. I really cant agree with you. c. Yes,maybe. You may be right. 14. 表示肯定和不肯定Expressing certainty and uncertaintya. Im sure. Im sure(that)b. Im not sure. Im not sure whether/ifc. Maybe/Perhaps. 15. 喜好和厌恶Likes and dislikesa. I like/love(very much)I like/love tob. I dont like(to)I hate(to)16. 谈论天气Talking about the weathera. Whats the weather like today?Hows the weather in?b. Its fine/cloudy/windy/rainyIts rather warm/cold/hot etc. today,isnt it?17. 购物Shoppinga. What can I do for you?May/Can I help you?b. I want/Id like/Let me havekilo/boxHow much is it?Thats too much/expensive,Im afraid. Thats fine. Ill take it. C . How many/much do you want?What color/size/kind/do you want?d. Do you have any other kind/size/colour?18. 问路和应答Asking the way and responsesa. Excuse me,which is the way to?Excuse me,can you tell me the way to?How can I get to?I dont know the way. b. Go down this street. Turn right/left at the first/second crossing. Its aboutmetres from here. 19. 问时间或日期和应答Asking the time or date and Responsesa. What day is (it) today?Whats the date today?What time is it?Whats the time,please?b. Its Monday/Tuesday. Its January 10th. Its five oclock/half past five/a quarter to five/five thirty. Its time for20. 请求Requestsa. Can/Could youfor me?Will/Would you please?May I have?b. Please give/pass mePlease wait (here/a moment)。Please wait (for) your turn. Please stand in line/line up. Please hurry. c. Dont rush/crowd. No noise,please. No smoking,please. 21. 劝告和建议Advice and suggestionsa. Youd betterYou shouldYou need (to)b. Shall we?LetsWhat/How about?22. 禁止和警告Prohibition and warningsa. You cant/mustntIf you,Youllb. Take care!Be careful!Look out!Watch out!Watch it!Mind (out)!23. 表达感情Expressing certain emotionsa. 喜悦Pleasure,JoyIm glad/pleased/happy toThats nice. Thats wonderful/great. b
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