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Lesson 31 Success StoryThe Greatest Salesman in the Worldfirst published in 1968 and has sold over 13 million copiesrecounts the legend of Hafid,a camel boy who achieved all of his ambitions in life.10 scrolls that he found in a trunk:1.Today I begin a new life.2.I will greet this day with love in my heart.3.I will persist until I succeed.4.I am natures greatest miracle.5.I will live this day as if it is my last.6.Today I will be master of my emotions.7.I will laugh at the world.8.Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.9.I will act now.10.Today I will pray for guidance.Success storySuccess story Key words and expressionsFrank Hawkins 富兰克 霍金斯retire 退休company 公司save 积蓄workshop 车间helper 帮手employ 雇佣Q and A1.Why can Frank be said to be successful in business?2.What was Franks job in a small shop?3.What did Frank do in 1958?What did Franks wife want him to do?Language pointsYesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man.tell me about your work.Did I tell you about my trip to Tibet?As a boy he used to work in a small shop.I used to cook my own meals every day but now I often eat out.It was his job to repair bicycles.Its my wish to become an artist.Its a great pleasure to talk to you.He saved money for years.She is saving up for holidays.Lets take a taxi to save time.Save your breath,he wont listen to you.He bought a small workshop of his own.Finally Ive got a flat of my own.They started a business of their own?In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes.in his early thirties in his late fiftiesFrank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success.remember:recall This is the road to Summer Palace.Key structures and usage As a boy he used to work in a small shop.At that time he used to work fourteen hours a day.In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes.use to do sth:过去常常做某事:过去常常做某事 Yesterday afternoon,Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man.He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in.Read and Retell Frank Hawkins wants to write his own story.Write it for him.Be careful with the use of the past tenses or used to do.An Inventor with 1,093 An Inventor with 1,093 InventionsInventions Thomas Edison was born in Milan,Ohio,1847.When he was twelve years old.He got his first job selling newspapers and sweets on the train.At age 15,he saved the life of a young boy.Edison is called the greatest inventor because he has 1,093 inventions.Of all these inventions,some have changed our life a lot.For example,the light bulb.Without Edison,we may still use candles today.It is terrible,isnt it?When people called him a genius,he only said that“Genius is 1%inspiration and 99%perspiration.”Thomas Edison was a famous American _.During his lifetime he had_ 1,093 inventions.That is amazing,isnt it?Many of his inventions have _ our life.You may ask _ Edison was able to make so many _.That is because he was the man who never _ up.He always thought that no matter how _ something seemed,he could find the _.He believed that_ was difficult if you put your heart into it.That is true.When he was a child,he was always asking _ questions and trying out new _.Many of his questions made his teacher unhappy or angry,because the strange questions had nothing to do _ his lessons.He could not study at school,so his mother _ him at home.He showed great _ in science and _ very fast._ he was 22,he moved to New York to be an inventor.He worked very _ trying out new ideas.He never gave up.inventormadechangedwhyinventionsgavedifficultanswernothingstrangeideaswithtaughtinterestlearntWhenhard填人一个单词使句子完整填人一个单词使句子完整What do you know about Bill Gates?1955/10/28 出生在西雅图出生在西雅图1973年进入哈佛大学法律系,年进入哈佛大学法律系,19岁退学,与同伴岁退学,与同伴创办电脑公司。后改名微软公司,自任董事长、创办电脑公司。后改名微软公司,自任董事长、总裁兼首席执行官。总裁兼首席执行官。1988年年1月,将总裁一职让给史蒂夫月,将总裁一职让给史蒂夫-鲍尔默。鲍尔默。盖茨被誉为电脑奇才、盖茨被誉为电脑奇才、20世纪最伟大的计算机软世纪最伟大的计算机软件行业巨人。件行业巨人。36岁成为世界最年轻的亿万富翁。岁成为世界最年轻的亿万富翁。1999年年福布斯福布斯评选,盖茨居世界亿万富翁首评选,盖茨居世界亿万富翁首位,纯资产位,纯资产850亿美元亿美元,被被时代时代周刊评为在数周刊评为在数字技术领域影响重大的字技术领域影响重大的50人之一。人之一。Bill Gates was born on October 28,1955.He was _ William Henry_his father and grandfather.His favourite subjects at school were_and _.He wanted to be a scientist_ _ _.when he was 13 years old,he was _ in a very old computer,he and some of his friends _ lots of time _ unusual things with it.In the end,they _ _a software program.In 1973.Bill went to Harvard _.In 1975 Bill began his company with his friend.They thought that the computer would be a very important _in a every office and in every home,so they began _software for _computers.They _the software _make it easier for people to _computers.namedaftersciencein the futuremathsinterestedspentdoingworked outUniversitytooldevelopingpersonalimprovedtouseName:Bill GatesDate of birth:Favorite subjects at school:Hobbies:What Gates did at 17:In 1973:In 1975:In 1994:In 1999:Additional information:Oct.28,1955science and mathsplay with computersWork out a software with his friendsWe
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