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2023年上六个月中小学和幼稚园教师资格考试英语学科知识与教学能力试题(高级中学)一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每题2分,共60分)1.“The” in the phrase the dignity and the honoris pronouncedrespectively.【真题1】(2023上) A. B. C. iD. i2./k/is not fully pronounced in.A.park B.bicycle C.key D.picture3. Taking photographs of individuals in private places without their consent is not acceptable, unlessby the public interest.A.justified B.freed C.pardoned D.forgiven4.The newly-married couple wanted to find a hotel that services good food and has a bit of as well.A.conditions B.situations C.environment D.atmosphere5.Last Sunday she came to visit us out of the blue.The italicized phrase means.A.unexpectly B.unhappilyC.untidily D.unofficially6.What happened to the glass?.A.The glass is broken.B.The glass was broken.C.Tom broke the glass.D.Tom has the glass.7.There,the meet to come is postphoned.A.is B.has been C.being D.to be8.It seems that she was there at the conference means.A.She seems to be there at the conference.B.She seemed to be there at the conference.C.She seems to have been there at the conference.D.She seems to being there at the conference.9.The phenomenon of may be the factor to cause the fewest changes in the English language in recent years.A.moving toward greater informalityB.the influence of American EnglishC.the influence of science and technologyD.the conflicts between or among nations10.According to Noam Chomsry,human beings are born with an innate ability to acquire and produce knowledge as .A.CAT B.MRI C.TG D.LAD11.When learners come across new words,they are required to focus on.A.spelling B.semantic featuresC.form,meaning and use D.word formation12. Which of the following is not exhibited by the deductive method?A.It saves time.B.It pays more attention to form.C.It teaches grammar in a decontextualized way.D.It encourages students to work out the grammatical rules.13.Which of the following materials in NOT appropriate for a teacher to use in listening practice?A.Materials with different dialects.B.Comprehensible authentic materials.C.Materials with comprehensible new words for students.D.Materials with contents beyond students comprehension capacity.14. may be defined as any kind of engaging with the language on the part of the learners,usually under the teachers supervision,whose primary objective is to consolidate learning.A.Presentation B.PracticeC.Production D.Preparation15.Teachers believing in themodel in a general sense usually follow the sequence of teaching new words,sentences and then the whole passage in the reading class.A.interactive B.top-downC.bottom-up D.interactional16.Theapproach to writing teaching pays attention to not only what to write,but also how to write.A.product-oriented B.process-orientedC.form-focused D.meaning-focused17.The activiey ofmay maximize the possibility of eliciting ideas,words or concepts from students when it is focused on a given topic.A.retelling B.assessing outputC.brainstorming D.checking comprehension18. helps students facilitate their process of accumulating vocabulary,broadening scope of vision,and increasing target language exposure.A.Scanning B.SkimmingC.Extensive reading D.Intensive reading19.Which of the following nominating patterns can a teacher adopt to ensure that all students are actively involved in classroom activities?A.Nominating those who are good at English.B.Asking questions in a predicable sequence.C.Nominating students after the question is given.D.Nominating students before giving the question.20.If a teacher asks“What does “corrective feedback”mean?”,this type of question is called.A.referential questonsB.tag questionsC.rhetorical questionsD.display questions请阅读Passage 1,完毕2125小题。Passage 1Move over Methuselah. Future generations could be living well into their second century and still doing Sudoku, if life expectancy predictions are true. Increasing by two years every decade,they show no signs of flattening out. Average lifespan worldwide is already double what it was 200 years ago. Since the 1980s, experts thought the increase in life expectancy would slow down andthen stop, but forecasters have repeatedly been proved wrong.The reason behind the steady rise in life expectancy isthe decline in the death rate of the elderly, says Professor Tom Kirkwood from Newcastle University. He maintains that our bodies are evolving to maintain and repair themselves better and our genes are inesting in this process to put off the damage which will eventually lead to death. As a result, there is no ceiling imposed by the realities of the ageing process.There is no use-by-date when we age. Ageing is not a fixed biological process, Tom says.A lar
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