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七年级英语第三次月考试卷时间:120分钟 满分:120分 出卷人:吴娟.单项选择。(30分)( )1. - is your jacket ? - Itsgreen. A. Whats; a B. Whatcolor; a C. Whatcolor; / D. Whats color; /( ) 2. -Whatsthis? - Its orange. A. a B. an C. / D. the( ) 3. - isit? - Its letter (字母) Y . A. Whats B. How C. What D. Whatcolor( ) 4. Thisis ruler. rulerisyellow. A. the; a B. a; A C. A; the D. a; The( ) 5. -Whatisthis English? - Itsamap. A. on B. in C. for D. at( ) 6.How _ you, Eric? A. am B. is C. are D. be ( ) 7. _ this in English?A. What B. Whats C. How D. Hows( ) 8. Spell it, please. OK, A. Its a ruler. B. RULER. C. Its yellow.( ) 9. Helen.A. Whats your name? B. Whats this? C. How are you?( ) 10. Nice to meet you, Eric! A. Nice to meet you, too B. How do you do? C. Good afternoon. ( ) 11. His name is Jim Smith. Smith is his name.A. English B. first C. last( ) 12. Is this your key? A. Yes, its. B. No, it isnt. C. No, it is.( ) 13. That my mother. These my brothers.A. is, are B. am, are C. are, is( ) 14. Is the cat ( 猫 ) the sofa? No, it isnt. Its the table. A. on, to B. to, in C. on, under( ) 15. I am tidy, my sister is not. A、and B、butC、or ( ) 16.A clock is on the desk. Can you see ? A. one B. it C. them( ) 17.My brother an English book.A. have B. doesnt has C. doesnt have ( ) 18. your father a car? A. Do ;have B. Does; has C.Does;have ( ) 19. Does John have a tennis racket? .A.Yes,he doesnt B.Yes,he does C.No,he does ( ) 20.Let us go and play . A. school B. English C. basketball ( ) 21.Now let us TV. A. watch B. see C. watches ( ) 22.Peter and Jack two cats. They like them very much. A. have B. has C. are ( ) 23. Bob and Bill math. A. doesnt like B. likes C. don t like ( ) 24. This is orange. It is green orange. A. a;a B. an;a C. a;an ( ) 25.The pencil box is the table.A. in B. at C. on( )26.Here your hat, Linda.A. is B. am C. are( )27.On weekends we like to hang out with friends.A. we B. us C. our( )28.Can you find clock on the desk?A. a B. an C. /( )29.Thanks your photos.A. on B. of C. for( )30. Steven. phone number is 2349879.A. My is;I B. I am;My C. I am;I II完形填空。(10分)Lisa: Hello, Tony.Tony: Hi, Lisa. 31 this?Lisa: 32 a green bag.Tony: Whats in the bag?Lisa: There 33 a new pair of gloves (一双新手套).Tony: What 34 are they?Lisa: Look, they are blue.Tony: They are 35 . I like them.Lisa: 36 .Tony: Whose(谁的) gloves are they? Are they 37 gloves?Lisa: No. They are too 38 . They are for(给) my mother.Tony: Are they 39 ?Lisa: Yes, theyre new. I buy(买) them for my mother. Her gloves are old.Tony: You are your mothers good 40 .( ) 31、A、How isB、Whats C、Where is D、What( ) 32、A、This areB、They areC、Its D、That is( ) 33、A、isB、haveC、hasD、are( ) 34、A、coatB、shoesC、colorD、number( ) 35、A、smallB、newC、yellowD、nice( ) 36、A、But I dontB、Me, too C、Thank you D、Sorry( ) 37、A、myB、yourC、youD、old( ) 38、A、smallB、newC、goodD、big( ) 39、A、bigB、smallC、newD、black( ) 40、A、sisterB、brotherC、sonD、daughterIII 阅读理解。(20分)(A)Hello. I am Chinese. My name is Wang Fei. I am thirteen. I am in No.5 Middle School in Nanjing. This is my friend. His name is Tony Green. He is an English boy. He is twelve. He and I are in the same(相同) class. Our classroom is next to(相邻) the teachers office. We have Chinese and English lessons every day. Our English teacher is Mr. Read. He is English but he can speak Chinese, too. Our Chinese teacher is Mr. Ding. They are good teachers, and they are our friends, too.( ) 41、 Tony Green . A、has a Chinese friend in England B、is in an Engl
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