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relate 意 义vi.有关联;适应,和睦相处;vt.使互相关联;讲述,叙述变 形relative相关的,有关的;相对的,比较的;亲属all human values are relative,so beauty is relative to the beholders旁观者 eyes.观者眼中出美景relatively 相关地,有关地;相对地,比较地relation 关系,关联亲属,搭 配relate to/with 有关联relative to 有关,涉及in/with relation to 有关,涉及close/near relation 近亲distant relation远亲真 题It is difficult to_cause and effect in this case.答案A)unite B)think C)relate D)describe C 频率出现四次的词汇transform意 义vt.使改观、改革;变换构 词trans(从.到.)+form(形式)变 形transformation n. 改观、改革;变换transformable a.能改变的,能改造的搭 配transform.into.把变成 辨 析transform change两词有时可互换,但在骤然改变和神秘地改变时,须用transform真 题The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political, economic and cultural 答案A) traditionB) transportationC) transmission D) transformationDThe coming of railways in the 1830s_our society and economic life.答案A)transformed B)transported C)transferred D)transmitted Atransfer 意 义vt.搬、转移;调动、转移;转让、过户 vi.转移;调动、转移;转车、转程n.调动、转移构 词trans(转移)+fer(运送,传送)变 形transference n.转移,转让transferablea.可转移的,可转让的transferern.转让者搭 配transfer ones affection 变心transfer company 转运公司transfer from a bus to a train 由公共汽车换乘火车transfer title to land 转让土地所有权transfer the property转让财产 辨析transfer move在表示“调动”时,transfer含有在同一大集团中工作或任职的变更的意思,不强调升、降职的意味,只是工作性质的变化。Transfer还可表示感情的转移或货物的运输,一般不用move替换。move 表示从静止状态开始移动,可以是短距离、小范围或长距离、大范围的移动,也可指不改变位置的活动。真 题He hoped the firm would _ him to the Paris branch. 答案A) exchange B) transmit C) transfer D) removeCadapt 意 义vt.使适应,使适合;修改,改编 vi.(to)适应变 形adaptable a.能适应的,适应性强的 adaptive adj.适应的adaptation n.适应,适合,改编adaptor n.编剧者,改编者搭 配adapt to 使适合,使适用adapt from 根据改写/改编adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于 辨析adapt 指作出较大的修改或改变以达到目的。如:She had to adapt herself to local conditions.她必须使自己适应当地的情况adjust 指作些不重要的轻微调整以便符合要求或适应新情况。如:adjust ones watch/glasses对表/扶眼镜fit多指“大小适合”,引申为“吻合”suit 多指“合乎要求、口味、性格、情况”match 指“大小、色调、形状、性质等相配或相称”真 题The newcomers found it impossible to _themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.答案A)suit B)adapt C)regulate D)coordinate使一致协调 BI suggested he should_himself to his new conditions.答案A)adopt采取,采纳,过继,收养 B)suit C)regulate D)adapt D alter 意 义v.改变,改动,变更变 形alterable adj.可变的,可改的alterant adj.改变的alteration n.变更,改造 辨析alter 部分地改变,不失去本性;change 本质地变化,甚至失去本性,或一种东西退换了另一种东西;vary 由更替、多样化或生长的变化而引起的一个或一连串变化。convert 指从一种状态或情况转变为另一种,尤指用于新的目的或用途。真 题If your new coat is too large ,a tailor裁缝 can _it to fit you. 答案)alter)exchange)alternate交替的,轮流的N代理人,代替者,候补者)changeAShe had to _her dress because she had lost weight.答案A)transform B)shift C)alter D)cut Carise意 义vi.(1)产生,出现,发生;(2)(from)(由)引起,(由.)产生,起源于;(3)起身,起床变形arosearise的过去式arisenarise的过去分词 辨析arise arise和rise都可用于来表示“起床”和“站起身”的意思。Arise常用于较抽象的主语之后rise 常用于具体的场合raise 是及物动词,意为“举起;使起来;提高;提出”arouse也是及物动词,意为“唤醒;激起;引起”搭配arise from/out of 由.引起,起源于真 题Many difficulties have _as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.答案A)risen B)arisen C)raised D)arrived BA completely new situation will _when the examination system comes into existence.答案A)rise B)arise C)raise D)arouse唤起,激动,激发 Bassemble(最近出现在年月日题)意 义vi.集合,聚集;vt.集合,聚集,召集;装配构 词as(到)+semble(一起)变 形assemblyn.集合,装配,集合,集结,汇编;形似词resemble 像,类似搭 配assemble the jury 召集陪审团assemble evidence/material收集证据/材料assemble the parts of a watch 装配表的零件assembling shop 装配车间assemble a machine 组装一台机器assemble in the school garden 在校内集合辨析gather (常用词)指“收集”、“聚集”、“集合在一起”collect指“有计划、有选择地收集”assemble指“为某一特定目的而收集”Mu()ster特指“召集部队”或“为检阅、检查而召集”真 题If the fire alarm is sounded, all residents are requested to _in the courtyard.庭院,天井答案A)assemble B)converge使聚集(ON) C)crowd D)accumulate AEverybody _in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.答案A)assembled B)accumulated累积,积攒(资料,灰尘)C)piled堆积 D)joined A adopt (最近出现在200年月28日题)意 义 vt.采纳,采用;采取(态度等;收养 变 形adoptable a.可采用的adoption n.采用,收养adoptive a.采用的,收养的adoptee n.被收养者adopter n.养父母搭 配adopt a strong attitude采取强硬态度adopt an idea 采纳意见adopt measures 采取措施adopt new methods 采用新方法adopt a child 收养孩子adopt the report正式通过这篇报告adopt a resolution unanimously 一致通过一项决议辨 析adopt两词都有“采纳、“采取”的意思。adopt 指采纳别人的意见、技术等。embranceembrance表示自愿地或急切地采纳或接受。真 题
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