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Lesson 12 Karens hair stood up【学习目标】1 Master the words: mine, finally, discussion 2 Phrases and expressions: remindof, take a trip to2 Grammar sentences:(1) I have been in Canada for two weeks. (2) We each brought a painting to class.(3) Everyone was very surprised.【温故互查】一 写出下列单词的音标及其汉语意思,并读会。1 ocean_ _2 boat _ _3 remember_ _4 secret _ _5 admire_ _6 artist _ _7 aloud _ _8 Karen _ _9 Jack _ _10 physics_ _11 smart_ _12 present_ _13 discussion_ _二 写出下列已学单词的音标、汉语意思,并背会。1 group _2 each _3 painting _4 summer _5 remember _6 holiday _7 secret _8 beside _9 surprised _10 finally _11 stay _12 healthy _【设问导读】 一 快速浏览课文,填写信息。Name Favourite subjectBrians groupJenny and BillKaren and JackDanny and Lisa二 仔细阅读课文,填写表格。NameWhat did they do?Brians groupl_ a painting to classJenny and BillShow us _lPlay some_lRead _and _Karen and JackPut _ on the deskl_ ten timeslMake her hair_ _Danny and LisaPlay _lShow us _【自我检测】 根据汉语意思填空,每空一词。 1 我们每个人都有一个苹果。We _ _ an apple.2 我们队这个号消息感到吃惊。We _ _ at the good news. 3 这张照片总是使我想起我童年美好的时光。 The pictures always _ me _ the beautiful days of my children.4 昨天王老师给我们做了关于如何学好英语的报告。 Yesterday Mr. Wng _ us _ _ _ how _ _ English well.【巩固训练】 分为四小组,试背诵他们的课题活动。【拓展延伸】 Writing: 以一篇小短文来描述Danny, Jenny等的课题活动。 _ _【Assignment】 1 Finish off the matched exercise.2 Review this unit.3 Recite the words and the text. 1 / 3
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