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Pennys bagLesson 41谁会被淘汰哩?你来当评委吧!out别赶我走啊别赶我走啊你出局了你出局了u v:z frnt v:z flau ti:z u ti:z sup kfi b:d b:d左右连连,看谁连的又快又准!左右连连,看谁连的又快又准!a piece ofa loaf of a bar of a bottle of 一条一条一瓶一瓶一块一块一片一片左右连连,看谁连的又快又准!左右连连,看谁连的又快又准!a pound of a tin of a quarter of half a pound of 一罐一罐半磅半磅一磅一磅四分之一四分之一What are the things behind the bags?袋子后边有什么呢?袋子后边有什么呢?Guess?Whats it will be?a cup of coffeea loaf of breada cup of coffeea bar of soapa piece of cheesea bar of soapa pound of sugara bar of chocolatea pound of sugara bottle of milka tin of tobaccoa tin of tobacco听一听,模拟配音听一听,模拟配音a bar of chocolate40 points Is that tin of tobacco for me?70 points a quarter of a pound of tea50 pointsa loaf of bread20 pointsa piece of cheese30 pointsa pound of sugar40 pointsbridgebetweenvillagehomeworkfavouriteWhats it in Pennys bag?Its _.A.a piece of milk B.a pound of soapC.a bar of breadD.a piece of cheese200学青蛙学青蛙学青蛙学青蛙跳五下跳五下跳五下跳五下唱一首唱一首唱一首唱一首英文歌英文歌英文歌英文歌DThere are some _ here.10a pity学猫叫学猫叫两声两声A.cheese B.tobaccosC.womenCI cant see their _.A.daughter B.wivesC.knifesD.wifes B20 pointsWhat are you going to do _ that chocolate?A.ofB.forC.withD.to20-5¥0nothingCWhat letter is a body of water?The letter of C.(sea)Guess a riddle猜谜语猜谜语
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