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Lesson 41-42Lesson 41-42Pennys bagPennys bag求知学堂求知学堂 教孝道教孝道 育贤才育贤才求知学堂求知学堂 教孝道教孝道 育贤才育贤才1.You asked for it!你自讨苦吃!2.You have my word 我保证。3.Believe it or not!信不信由你!Everyday English1.Can you do me a favor?1.Can you do me a favor?可以帮个忙吗?可以帮个忙吗?2.You owe me one2.You owe me one你欠我一个人情。你欠我一个人情。3.This ones on me!3.This ones on me!我请!我请!Everyday English ch chee eese se 乳酪乳酪 br brea ead d 面包面包 soap soap 肥皂肥皂 ch cho oc co ol la ate te 巧克力巧克力 s su ugar gar 糖糖 c co off ffee ee 咖啡咖啡 t tea ea 茶茶 t to ob ba acc cco o 烟草烟草vcheesecheeseva piece of cheesea piece of cheesevtwo piecetwo pieces s of cheese of cheesevThere is some There is some cheesecheese on the plate on the plate vvbreadbreadvva loaf of bread(a loaf of bread(一块未切好的面包一块未切好的面包)vvtwo loatwo loaves ves of breadof breadvva piece of bread(a piece of bread(一片面包一片面包)There There areare some some pieces ofpieces of bread on the plate bread on the platevsoapsoapva bar of soapa bar of soap(一块肥皂)(一块肥皂)vtwo bartwo bars s of soap of soapvThere There is is some soap in the box.some soap in the box.vchocolatechocolateva bar of chocolatea bar of chocolatevtwelve bartwelve bars s of chocolate of chocolatevAre there four bars of chocolate in the box?Are there four bars of chocolate in the box?v否定回答:否定回答:Yes,there are.Yes,there are.v肯定回答:肯定回答:No,there arentNo,there arentvsugar(sugar(白糖白糖)va pound of sugara pound of sugarvtwo poundtwo pounds s of sugar of sugar糖果糖果 sweets (sweets (英式口语英式口语)candy candy (美式口语)(美式口语)vcoffeecoffeeva pound of coffeea pound of coffeevtwo poundtwo pounds s of coffeeof coffeeIs there Is there any any coffee in the coffee in the cup?cup?Yes,there is.Yes,there is.No,there isnt.No,there isnt.vteateava pound of teaa pound of teavtwo poundtwo pounds s of teaof teavtabaccotabaccova tin of tabaccoa tin of tabaccovtwo tintwo tins s of tabacco of tabaccocigaretteGive me three tins of Give me three tins of tabaccotabacco.=Give three tins of.=Give three tins of tabacco to me.tabacco to me.cheesechocolatesugartabaccoteabreadsoap看你的!ttaeccoaalfoacoholaetpuondsgarucnadybeardhcesee你发现了多少个单词你发现了多少个单词?va piece of a piece of 一张一张va loaf ofa loaf of一条一条va bar ofa bar of一块一块va bottle ofa bottle of一瓶一瓶va pound ofa pound of一磅一磅vhalf a pound ofhalf a pound of半磅半磅va quarter of a pound ofa quarter of a pound of四分之一四分之一va tin ofa tin of一罐、一盒一罐、一盒不不可可数数名名词词量量化化用用法法vva piece ofa piece ofvva loaf ofa loaf ofvva bar ofa bar ofvva bottle ofa bottle ofvva pound ofa pound ofvvhalf a pound ofhalf a pound ofvva quarter of a pound ofa quarter of a pound ofvva tin ofa tin ofvvsoapsoapvvteateavvcheesecheesevvchocolatechocolatevvmilkmilkvvcoffeecoffeevvsugarsugarvvbreadbreadvvtobaccotobacco不可数名词不可数名词不可数名词指表示的事物不可数名词指表示的事物不能用数来计算。不能用数来计算。不可数名词没有词性不可数名词没有词性变化,需要计量时,要加表示变化,需要计量时,要加表示量的单位词。量的单位词。即:即:单位单位+of+物质名词的形式物质名词的形式 一杯咖啡一杯咖啡 a cup of coffeea cup of coffee物质名词:物质名词:表示表示无法分为无法分为个体个体的事物。物质名词是不可的事物。物质名词是不可数名词。数名词。如:如:teatea(茶茶),waterwater(水)(水),coffeecoffee(咖啡)(咖啡),butterbutter(奶油)(奶油)表示物质名词的量,可用以下的方法:表示物质名词的量,可用以下的方法:1.用容量表示用容量表示:单数单数:一杯茶一杯茶a cup ofa cup of tea tea 一瓶牛奶一瓶牛奶 a bottle ofa bottle of milk milk复数复数(在容器后面变复数,加(在容器后面变复数,加“s”)两杯茶两杯茶 two cuptwo cups s of of tea tea 五瓶牛奶五瓶牛奶five bottlefive bottles s of of milk milk1.1.六杯茶六杯茶2.2.两瓶牛奶两瓶牛奶3.3.一个面包一个面包1.six cup1.six cups s of tea of tea2.two bottle2.two bottles s of milk of milk3.a bar of bread3.a bar of bread练练一一练练吧吧vIs that tin of tobacco for me?Is that tin of tobacco for me?vWell,its Well,its certainlycertainly not for not for me!me!认认真真听听录录音音哦哦ExercisesA:Is that bag _?A:Is that bag _?B:Not heavy.B:Not heavy.A:_ it _ this chair.A:_ it _ this chair.B:A _ of cheese,a _of bread,a_ of soap,a B:A _ of cheese,a _of bread,a_ of soap,a _of milk,_ a pound of coffee in the _of milk,_ a pound of coffee in the bag.bag.A:Is tin _ tabacco _ me?A:Is tin _ tabacco _ me?B:Well,its _ _for me.B:Well,its _ _for me.heavy Put on piece loaf bar heavy Put on piece loaf bar bottle half of for not certainly bottle half of for not certainly Lesson 42Lesson 42anyanysomesome不定代词:不定代词:some&anysome&any 都可表示都可表示“一些一些”somesome 一般用在肯定句一般用在肯定句anyany 一般用在否定句或疑问句一般用在否定句或疑问句 -Do you have-Do you have any any money?money?-Yes,I have -Yes,I have somesome.No,I dont have No,I dont have any any.注意:当你想得到对方肯定的回答时,注意:当你想得到对方肯定的回答时,可用可用somesome来提问来提问Do you have Do you have some some money?money?Finish the exercises in page 84Finish the exercises in page 84PracticePractice1.1.Do you have _ apples?Do you have _ apples?2.2.I have _ bananas.I have _ bananas.3.3.He is going to have _ milkHe is going to have _ milk4.4.We have _ food,but we dont have We have _ food,but we dont have _drink._drink.5.5.I want _ meat,please.I want _ meat,please.6.6.She doesnt need _ help!She doesnt need _ help!is are any some some some any some any is are any some some some any some any 名词变复数名词变复数1 1、直接要加、直接要加s s 2 2、以、以s x sh ch s x sh ch 结尾的要加结尾的要加es es。3 3、以、以f f、fe fe结尾的,把结尾的,把f f、fe fe变为变为v v再加再加es.es.4 4、单辅音、单辅音+y+y结尾,变结尾,变 y y为为i i 再加再加es.es.5 5、herohero、tomatotomato、potatopotato要加要加es.es.其余以其余以O O结尾结尾的要加的要
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