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Module 9 Unit 3 Language in use学习目标1、本模块的单词、短语、句型2、一般过去时(不规则动词)3、月份的表达4、描述过去的经历备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记) 自主学习学法指导:1.注意发音,正确朗读生词。2.牢记单词的拼写及词意。3.通过听读对话,学会自主交流预习。1.独学:将书翻到生词表,拼读P109单词, 从March到in the 1860s. (提示:请用红色笔勾画出你不会拼读的单词。)2.对学:请你找你的搭档一起解决刚才画出的那些不会的单词。一、英语报,第30期,第三版, Unit 3, 第二大题 用所给动词的适当形式完成下列小短文。Mo Yan is a great Chinese writer. He was born in a small town in Shangdong Province. He _ (come) from a poor (贫穷的) family. When he was young, he often stayed with goats (山羊). He _ (take) them to eat grass every day. At that time, he always _ (tell) stories to the goats. He once (曾经) _ (study) in Beijing Normal University. There, he _ (begin) to write. In 2012, Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Now his works are popular all over the world.二、优化训练P69,基础预备营组长签名:合作探究一、忆一忆!1. 简要复述Shakespeare(莎士比亚)的一生。 2. 针对他的一生进行一问一答。 3. 语法:一般过去时一般动词过去式的基本句型如下:1)肯定句:主语+动词的过去式2) 否定句:主语+didnot+动词原形3) 一般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形?4. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1)Mike_(notgo)tobeduntil12oclocklastnight.2)There_(be)noonehereamomentago.3)I_(call)Mikethismorning.4)Lastweekwe_(pick)manyapplesonthefarm.5)Mymother_(notdo)houseworkyesterday.6)ShewatchesTVeveryevening.Butshe_(notwatch) TVlastnight.7)There_notenoughpeopletopickapplesthatday.(be)8)When_you_(come)tochina?9)Didshe_(have)supperathome?10)Jack_(notclean)theroomjustnow.二、问一问! 1“Whatdidyoudowhenyouwereattheageof10?”小组内完成。2. 各组派一个代表汇报,班级内展示。3. Activity 1,P58.三、做一做! 用一般过去时写一写你过去所做过的事情,或者想做又没有行动的事情。四、谈一谈,写一写! 1. 耐心地去了解你的父母或者是爷爷奶奶过去的生活,和你的组员一起分享。 2. Activities 2 & 3,P58.3. 在Unit 1与Unit 2中找出你需要的短语、句子或者是看法。4. 尝试去写一写你的父母或者爷爷奶奶过去的生活。课堂小结本节课你学到了什么?达标检测英语报,第30期,第三版, Unit 3, 第一、三大题用方框中单词和短语的适当形式完成下列句子。young, get home, join, as well as, be worth1. It is a good book and it _ reading.2. - When did you _ last night? - At about ten oclock.3. - What do you think of Mary? - Shes lively(活泼的) _ healthy.4. I want to _ you to make a card for Mr. Liu.5. When our parents were _, they didnt have mobile phones.学(教)后反思本节课你有哪些收获?还有哪些困惑呢?1
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