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非限制性定语从句语境呈现1观察下列句子,注意划线部分的用法。1) This n ote was left by Mr.Li,who was here a mome nt ago.2) This novel,which I have read three times,is very touching.3) The bus ran into a crowd of people,some of whom were sent to hospital.4Chi na has hun dreds of isla nds,the largest of which is Taiwa n.5) She was kinder to her youngest son than to the others,which,of course,made the others envy him.6) All of my books are on the desk,where I always keep them.7) My brother,whose ski n is a little black,has a slim figure.8) They decided to put off the meeti ng un til next Saturday,whe n they would n be so busy.规律精点1所谓非限制性定语从句,顾名思义,对主句所描述的人或物起 的作用,去掉后主句意思仍然完整;它与句子之间常用逗号隔开,其引导词有 who,whom,whose,which,when,where,as。that和why不能引导分限制性定语从句。有时用不 定代词、数词或形容词最高级+of+whom/which指代先行词或先行词的一部分。语境呈现2观察下列句子,注意划线部分的用法。1) As is known to us,the sky is blue.The sky is blue,which is known to us.2) The big tree was cut down yesterday,as is reported in today newspaper.The big tree was cut dow n yesterday,which is about three hun dred years old.规律精点2关系代词as引导非限制性定语从句,其与which的区别在于:1) as引导的非限制性定语从句可置于句首、居中或句尾;which引导的非限制性定语从句只能置于。(如果定语从句为否定句或表示否定意义,则使用which )。2) as指代的是,which除了可指代整个主句内容外还可指代主句的某个部分。1. The result of the experime nt was very good,we had nexpected.A.whe nB.what C.that D.which2. Lily was always talking about her wealthy husband,of course,made the other ladiesun happy.A.who B.which C.what D.that3) The writer has written a number of books, only one is widely read.A.whichB.of whichC.that D.what4) This is Mr Day, I think has someth ing in teresti ng to tell you.A.who B.whom C.that D.which5) is reported in today spaper,people have found the lost boy.A.It B.That C.As D.What6) The result was not the samethey had expected,was rather disappo in ti ng.A.which;as B.as;which C.as;that D.that;which咼考链接1) After the flood in g,people were sufferi ng in that area,urge ntly n eeded clea nwater,medici ne and shelter to survive.A.which B.who C.where D.what2) Whe n deeply absorbed in work,he often was,he would forget all about eat ing or sleep ing.A.that B.which C.whereD.whe n浅谈非限制性定语从句定语从句(限制性和非限制性定语从句的区别)1定语从句有时跟先行词的关系并不十分密切,只是作一些补充说明,不起限制作用,这种 从句称为非限制性定语从句。它常常用逗号与主句分开;翻译时常译成并列的分句。例如:This note was left by Joh n, who was here a mome nt ago.这条子是约翰留下的,他刚才来过这儿。2. 非限制性定语从句在修饰人时用who(主格),whom(宾格),whose(所有格),即:在定语从句中关系代词指人做主语时,只能用who;作宾语时,只能用 whom,不能有几种选择,也不能省略,只有一种答案。在修饰物时用which而不能用that。总之,非限制性定语从句里没有that,也没有why。1)Mr.Zhang,who came to see me yesterday,is an old friend of my father .张先生昨天来看我,他是我父亲的一位老朋友。2)She had seve n childre n, three of whom lived to grow up.她生了七个孩子,其中三个长大成人。3)The team is headed by a Chin ese,whose wife is a Japa nese.这个对的队长是个中国人,他的妻子是日本人。4)We visited the Jade Buddha Temple,which is in the n orthwester n part of Shan ghai.我们参观了玉佛寺,它在上海的西北部。5t now has 20,000 hectares of Iand,more than two-thirds of which are ploughed.它有两万公顷的土地,其中三分之二以上已经耕种。6)We walked dow n the village street,where they were havi ng market day.我们沿着村庄的街道走,他们的赶集日在哪儿进行。7)1 n the old days,I was a little boy,the city had no industry to speak of.过去这城市无工业可言,那时我还是个小孩。3. 引导非限制性定语从句,若关系代词所指代的先行项是整个主句,则关系代词用as或which.它们有三点相同和四点不同之处。相同点:1)which和as都可在SVC (主语+系动词+表语)或SV (主语+谓语)结构的非限制性定语 从句中作主语,此时两者可互换使用。He said he had lost the book,which/as was true.All the schools will reopen on Sept.1(st),which/as is announced in today paper.2)在SVC结构的非限制性定语从句中,which和as作表语时可互换使用。注意此时的which或as指代上文中的表语部分。He seemed a foreig ner,which /as in fact he was.3)在SVO (主谓宾)结构的非限制性定语从句中,which和as作宾语时可互换。I was very useful to him,which/as he realized.不同点:1)在SVOCo(主谓宾宾补)结构的非限制性定语从句中,做主语或宾语时通常用which,而不用as.It was raining hard,which kept us in doors.2)在SVO结构的非限制性定语从句中,做主语时通常用which,而不用as.Tom has made great progress,which delighted us.3)as引导非限制性定语从句时,通常用在表示肯定意义的从句中,而不能用在表示否定意 义的从句中;which则不受此限制。例如:She has bee n married aga in, which was un expected.(which常在定语从句中作 delay耽搁,推迟、 worry、upset、make的主语,且定语从句中常含复合结构)4) as所引导的非限制性定语从句位置比较灵活,它可以位于句末,也可位于句首或居中;而which所引导的非限制性定语从句位置比较固定,通常位于句末,而不可移置句首。例如:We can do without rules,as/which you know. As you kno w,we can tdo without rules.He failed the exam,which/as was n atural.As was n atural,he failed the exam.All the schools will reope n on Sept.1(st),which/as is announced in today s paper.As is announced in today spaper,all the schools will reopen on Sept.1(st).He admires Mr.Brow n very much,which surprises me.He arrived half an hour late,which anno yed us all.My sister is a good nu rse,which I am not.His sister has become a doctor,which he wants her to be.易混辨析区别项目限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句形式与主句之间不用逗号隔开,口语中不停 顿。与主句之间常用逗号隔开,口语中 有停顿。作用对先仃词的意义进仃修饰、限制,右去 掉,则句意不完整。对先行词起补充说明作用,若省略, 句意仍然清楚、完整。翻译与含义翻译在它所修饰的先行词之前,限制先 行词。翻译时与主句隔开,对先行词解释 说明。先行词名词或代词。名词、代词、短语或句子。关系词各类关系词,有几种选择,有时可省。不用that和why, 一般只有一种选 择,关系词不可省。巧学助记:巧辩限制性与非限制性定语从句定语从句好分辨,没有逗号
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