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have a toothachetoothache tu:eik 牙疼不是病,牙疼不是病,疼起来真要疼起来真要命!命!nursedentist Mr.CroftLesson 77 Terrible toothache-Iris appointment pntmnt n.have an appointment e.g.:Do you have an appointment?make an appointment with sb 和某人有和某人有约约 e.g.:I want to make an appointment with Tom.约会,预约约会,预约appointmentn.预约区别:datev.n.约会-mentn.名词后缀以ment结尾的词通常是名词。词汇 urgent :dnt adj.an urgent telephone callan urgent meetingIts v ery urgent.紧急的,急迫的紧急的,急迫的 till tl prep.till afternoonCan you wait till this afternoon?They danced till midnight.直到直到.为为止止(1)陈述句陈述句 not-until-直到直到 例例Last night I didnt go to bed until 11 oclock.昨晚我昨晚我11点钟才睡觉。点钟才睡觉。Good morning,Mr.Croft.Good morning,nurse.I want to see the dentist,please.Do you have an appointment?No,I dont.want to do sth.want sth.have a good timehave lunchhave a bathIs it urgent?Yes,it is.It is very urgent.I feel awful.I have a terrible toothache.I feel happy.He feels ill.have a headache have a feverGood morning,Mr.Croft.Good morning,nurse.I want to see the dentist,please.Do you have an appointment?No,I dont.Is it urgent?Yes,it is.It is very urgent.I feel awful.I have a terrible toothache.Good morning,nurse.I want to see the dentist,please.No,I dont.Yes,it is.It is very urgent.I feel awful.I have a terrible toothache.Good morning,Mr.Croft.Do you have an appointment?Is it urgent?Good morning,Mr.Croft.Do you have an appointment?Is it urgent?Good morning,nurse.I want to see the dentist,please.No,I dont.Yes,it is.It is very urgent.I feel awful.I have a terrible toothache.Can you come at 10 a.m.on Monday April 24th?I must see the dentist now,nurse.The dentist is very busy at the moment.Can you come at 2 p.m.?That is very late.Can the dentist see me now?Im afraid that he cant,Mr.Croft.Cant you wait till this afternoon?I can wait,but my toothache cant!Can you come at 10 a.m.on Monday April 24th?I must see the dentist now,nurse.The dentist is very busy at the moment.Can you come at 2 p.m.?That is very late.Can the dentist see me now?Im afraid that he cant,Mr.Croft.Cant you wait till this afternoon?I can wait,but my toothache cant!Can you come at 10 a.m.on Monday April 24th?I must see the dentist now,nurse.The dentist is very busy at the moment.Can you come at 2 p.m.?That is very late.Can the dentist see me now?Im afraid that he cant,Mr.Croft.Cant you wait till this afternoon?I can wait,but my toothache cant!Can you come at 10 a.m.on Monday April 24th?I must see the dentist now,nurse.The dentist is very busy at the moment.Can you come at 2 p.m.?That is very late.Can the dentist see me now?Im afraid that he cant,Mr.Croft.Cant you wait till this afternoon?I can wait,but my toothache cant!Sum up:Have1.have a good time/a bath/a cake/a drink2.have some money/some envelopes3.have a headache/a fever/flu/an earache Answer questions1.Who does he want to see?2.Does he have an appointment?3.Is it urgent?4.Whats wrong with him?5.Can he come at 10a.m.?6.Can he come at 2 p.m.?7.Can he wait till this afternoon?Listen and answer:What time is it,do you think?What did the nurse say to the man?Can he wait?She goes to town every day She went to town yesterday.She buys a new car every year.She _ a new car last year.He often loses his pen.He _ his pen this morning.She always listens to the news.She _ to the news yesterday.boughtlostlistenedWhen did you/he/they?Thank you!
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