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中考复习定语从句专项练习单项选择1Ill never forget the lesson _ last year.A. that I learnB. that I learnedC. what I learnD. what I learned2The young lady _is interviewing Lin Zhixuan about the program I am a singer is from 21st Century Talent Net.A. who B. whom C. which D. whose3What are you looking for?Im looking for the watch _ I bought yesterday.AwhichBwhoCwhose4I love the school I have studied in for three years.A. where B. when C. that5The movie_ we saw last night was fantastic.A. that B. what C. whose D. who6Teenagers like reading the books _ are written by Guo Jingming.A. who B. what C. whoseD. that 7 - Do you know Mo Yan?Of course. He is the famous writer _ won the Nobel Prize in 2012.A. who B. whom C. which8Most students like the teachers understand them well.A. which B. who C. where D. when9I still remember the college and the teachers _ I visited in London years ago.A. what B. who C. that D. which10The Palace Museum is the best place _Ive ever visited.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. what 11This is the school _ we visited last year.A. that B. where C. who D. whose12Do you know the girl_ with our English teacher often? Yes, her name is Helen. A. whom to talkB. who talksC. who is talkingD. whom talks13Amy has_Along brown hair Bbrown long hairClong brown hairs Dbrown long hairs14Being blind is something _ most people cant imagine.A. whoB. whatC. thatD. whom15 Yesterday Li Ming went to the village_ his family lived ten years ago.A. when B. which D. where D. that 16A friend is someone _ says, “What! You too? I thought I was the only one!”A. who B. which C. what D. whose17I know a place _ we can have a big meal.A. that B. where C. which D. what18-Who do you think is the man _ first flew into space in China? - Yang Liwei is.A. / B. whoC. that D. whom19-There are many volunteers _ are helping the children in Sichuan.- And most of them are college students.A. which B. when C. whose D. who20 -Look,its the most beautiful park_ Ive ever visited before.-Really?How I wish to go to see it for myself!.A. that B. which C. whom D. who21We dislike people _ talk much but never do anything.A. whomB. whichC. whoD. whose22A government is a group of people _ make decisions about the way people live. A. who B. which C. whom D. whatever23There are many volunteers _ are helping the children in Sichuan.A.which B.when C.who D.why24Who do you want to talk with at the end of the speech?The man_ Mr White.A. they call B. called himself C. calls himself D. is called25A graduation ceremony is a custom takes place students graduate from a school.A. which; when B. that; who C. which; whose D. that; which26The Palace Museum is the best place _Ive ever visited.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. what27 I think this is the most interesting thing _ has happened to us.A. that B. which C. what D. who28Success will belong to those _ never say impossible .A. whom B. who C. that D. which29One of the most delicious drinks _ I like is orange juice. A. which B. that C. whose D. whom30Do you notice the man _ is sitting under the tree? He is our new teacher.A. that B. who C. whom31There are many volunteers _ are helping the children in Sichuan.A.which B.when C.who D.why32She likes the music _ she likes to sing along with.A. that B. in which C. what D. who33 I can remember well some pictures and the persons I saw in the room.A. whom B. who C. that D. which34- Is the woman _ walked past just now your teacher?- Yes. She teaches _English.A. that, ourB. who, usC. who, ourD. which, us35Take the advice _ is given by Dr. White.A. who B. which C. whose36So Young, the movie _ was filmed in Nanjing, is on in many cities.A. whichB. whatC. whoD. when37People often like clothes can make them comfortable.A. when B. who C. that D. where38John is the boy _legs were badly hurt in the accident.A. whose B. that C. who39Could you tell me _ find another interesting detective story to read
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