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二年级英语期中试卷 Name_ Score_一 Listening section(听力部分)40%I. Listen and choose.(听单词,选出所听到的单词。10%)1.( ) A. brother B. sister C. uncle2.( )A. bread B. candy C. honey3.( )A. lion B. quail C. tiger4.( )A. skirt B. vest C. coat5.( )A. aunt B. fruit C. zip II. Listen and choose.(听句子,选出正确的图片。10%)1.( ) This is my mother. A. B. 2.( ) I like doughnut. A. B. 3.( ) Its a nest. A. B. 4.( )This is my sweater. A. B. 5.( ) Is this your watch? A. B. III. Listen and number.(听句子,给图片人物表序号。10%) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) IV. Listen and match.(听句子,连线。10%)1. Do you like grapes? Hes my uncle. 2. Whats this? Yes, it is.3. Is this your uniform? Its a nest. 4. How old are you? No, I dont. I like apples.5. Whos this man? Im seven.二 Writing section(笔试部分)60%I. Read and choose.(看图片,选择正确的单词。14)( ) 1. A. parrot ( ) 2. B. mango( ) 3. C. cake( ) 4. D. owl( ) 5. E. bread( ) 6. F. zip( ) 7. G. vestII. Read and match.(将字母,图片和单词连线。20%) Q ice cream R jam T T-shirt Z water W kangaroo X zebra J quail K uniform I rooster U taxiIII. Write the 26 letters.(请默写26个字母,要求书写工整,占格正确。26%)
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