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人教版 六年级英语上册unit 1 Unit 1 How can I get there? Read and write.Teaching aims:1. Learn news words “GPS gave feature follow far tell”2. Master the phrase “We are in front of the cinema. Is it far? Now we are behind the hospital. My new GPS works! Ill tell Grandpa.”3. Retell the text.Teaching points: Aim 1 2 Teaching steps: Step 1 Leading in:1. Play a game ( do what the teacher says “ turn right turn left”2. show some pictures to review “ turn right turn left turn left/right at in front of behind” 3. show the picture of the Great Wall and ask T: Do you like it? S : Yes. T: Do you want to see it? S :Yes. T: But I dont know the way, what should I do ? Maybe we need these things. Show four pictures of map compass GPS stars, and ask “If you are in a car ,Which can help you find a place?”T: GPSS: Do you know GPS?T:Yes.T: Now Robin has GPS! Lets go and see.Step 2 learning:1. listen to the tape, then number the pictures.(show the four pictures)2.Read the text and answer the questions. 1. What is Robins new feature? A He can find food.B He can find the way.How many places did they pass by? Under them in the text.Which word under the fourth picture means “奏效,起作用”3.Fill in the blanks. Wu yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. They and . They and then turn right again. Step3 Discussing:I Look and saygive Robin a new featurehelp the boys find the Italian restaurantIll tell grandpaLets eat firstII Discuss the usage1. give 2. help3.Ill4.let(the little teacher explains the usage) III Fill in the blanks.1.Let me (see).2.He often helps his mother (do) the housework.3.Ill ( play) football this afternoon.4.翻译:给她一些苹果.Step 4. Practicing:1.Draw a map and tell how to get to the restaurant. First go straight, then turn left at the bookstore . turn right and turn right again, you can see the restaurant, its near the hospital.(ask students to retell the way to the restaurant.)2.Work in pairs and complete the conversation.A: Where is the Italian restaurant?B: A : How can I get to the hospital?B: A: And then? B: A: Is it far? B: A: Thank youB: 3. suppose your friend Mary is ill . you want to see her, but you dont know the way , look at the map and tell how to get to her home.4.Finish the exercise 一 连词成句1. school , are , behind , we , the 2 .at , right , bookstore , turn , the 3 .is , the , museum , where , science 4 buy , I , to , some , postcards , want. 二 单项选择。( )1. can I get to the zoo? A Where B How C Which( )2. Excuse sir.A I B My C me ( )3.My home is next the park.A to B too C two( )4. I want to send a letter. I can go to the .A classroom B library C post office( )5. I want to see a doctor, I can go to the .A hospital B garden C restaurant( )6. can help us find a place.A TV B GPS C USA三按要求改写句子。1,。 The tree is beside the house.( 对划线部分提问) 2.Is there a forest in our city? (做肯定回答) 3.How can I get to the park?(回答:直走,在书店出左转。) 4.want send to some I postcards (连词成句) 5 the to Its next museum science(连词成句) 四阅读对话,判断正()误()Li Hong: Excuse me . Where is the shop,please?Policeman: Its near the hospital.Li Hong: Is it far from here/Policeman: No.Li Hong: How can I get there ?Policeman: Now you are behind the school. Turn right and then turn right again.You will see a garden. Turn left at the garden, you will see the shop.Li Hong: Thank youPoliceman: You are welcome.( )1. Li Hong is behind the museum. ( )2. She wants to go to the shop.( )3. The shop is far from the school.( )4. Li Hong is asking the way.( )5.The garden is near the shop.3.check the answers.Step 5 testingFinish the exercise一Choose the best answer( )1.H e now
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