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Unit1 Theyre monkeys教学设计一、教学内容分析:本节新授课学习内容是关于动物的Dialogue,内容较为简单,可把本课时变成新授,听力及拓展学习相结合的学习过程,主要设计的描述动物的句型:Whats this? Its What are they? Theyre句型,学会日常用语交际。二、教学任务:1、进一步巩固:Whats this? Its 2、学习及运用:What are they? Theyre句型三、语言技能目标:1、能用所学知识描述不同动物名称及其特征;2、学生通过学习,能流利朗读课文;3、通过做游戏、猜动物、小组合作等方式,完成本节课的学习。四、情感态度目标:变被动学习为主动学习,在英语学习活动中形成主动开口说英语的习惯,体验用英语进行交际的乐趣。五、教学重点:1、What are they? Theyre2、在情景中运用big, small, fat.3、能描述动物的特征,掌握人称变化及单复数运用。六、课时安排:一课时。七、教具:1、课件。3、单词卡片。八、教学过程:1、 Greating2、 Warm-up: Do the action ,please follow me!3、presentation(1)1 Revision(出示幻灯片) Whats your favourite song?Whats your favourite toy?Whats your favourite animal?(出示幻灯片) whats this? Its a pandabird. .(2) Now, lets go to the zoo! (出示幻灯片) Are you ready? Stand up! Lets go!(3) Look! The zoo is coming (出示幻灯片)这里有很多动物,展示动物是怎样介绍自己的!让学生注意倾听,学会动物名称。(4)出示卡片 tiger,师范读,请生读,小组读(teach: lion, elephant, monkey, 同上)(5)(出示幻灯片)猜动物、说单词!Look and guess!Whats this? Its a tiger / lion / monkey /an elephant.(6)出示幻灯片Whats this? Yes! Its an elephant.Whatre they? Theyre elephants (板书、教读、小组读)Read after me! 教读、齐读(出示幻灯片)比较单复数差异,出示其它图片练习。(7) Now, lets play a game! Are you ready?(看纸条、作动作;生问,其他人答。Act it in groups. (分组,评价)(8) look at this! (出示幻灯片)Whats this? Yes, Its an elephant!I like elephant, because its big! (show“big”、教读,OK!Now follow me, 带动作big)Whats this? (出示幻灯片)Yes, Its . Its small! (show“small”板书、教读、带动作, smallbig! bigsmall!)出示其他图片,请生描述(9) look! (出示幻灯片)Its a panda! Its fat! (肢体语言)(板书fat)带动作教读,生模仿。(10) say a chant!(11) today, Daming, lingiling, sam and Amy go to zoo, too! now, lets listen.Then tell me,Can you hear some new words?(12) Look and read after the tape. (出示幻灯片)(13) Roy play!Lets act it in groups.(14) everybody, Do you want to play a game?(出示课件)look and sayTheyre, Theyre (big / small /fat)或Its, Its (big / small / fat)let Ss say it in front of the classroom!九、课堂评价、表扬、总结十、布置作业
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