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英语倒装句的用法 类型1) 部分倒装 助动词情态动词+主语+谓语的实义动词型2) 全倒装谓语+主语型一、在以下结构中用全倒装:这种结构通常只用于一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有:1. 在there be或者There live(stand,appear.seem,remain,exist.) 句型中; 如:There are thousands of people on the square. 原语序:Thousands of people are there on the square.There lived an old fisherman in the village. 原语序:An old fisherman lived there in the village.There stands a little girl. 正常语序:A little girl stands there.2.在“here, there, now, thus, then+动词+主语”的句子中,(谓语动词为be, go, come, lie, run等,主语为名词); Now comes my turn. There goes the bell. Then came the order to leave. Here comes a bus= A bus comes here.3.在“out in, up down, offaway,in the distance,on the hill,round the corner”等表示方向性的副词或表示地点的介词词组位于句首,且主语又是名词,谓语是表示运动的动词。 Away went the crowed one by one. In came a stranger in black. Out rushed the children. Down fell the leaves. On the floor were piles of old books. 注意:主语必须是名词 eg: Out she went.There they are. Here he comes. 而Out went the girl. Here comes the boy.4.有时为了强调表语,构成“表语+连系动词+主语”结构; Lucky is she who was chosen to be a leader.=She who was chosen to be a leader is lucky. Gone are the days when women were looked down upon! =The days when women were looked down upon are gone!5、在某些表示愿望的祝愿语中,全倒装。 Long live the Peoples Republic of China! May you be happy!二、在以下结构中用部分倒装 部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。1.含有否定或半否定意义的词语(如:not,never,seldom,hardly,little,scarcely,barely,few);或者含有否定结构的连词(not onlybut also., neither.nor., no sooner hadthan.(一。就。), scarely.than., Hardly had .when., not until.;nowhere等);或否定意义的介词词组(by no means(决不),in no caseway(任何情况下都不),with no method, at no time(决不), on no account(决不),under no circumstancescondition.(任何情况下都不)位于句首eg: I have never seen him before.=Never have I seen him before.Not a word did he say when he left. Seldom/Scarecely does he go to that park.Hardly(几乎不。) do I speak to him. Little English can he speak.Little does he realize the importance of the meeting. Few people did I see in the street.含有否定结构的连词:整理为word格式eg:1)Not only can he play basketball, but also I can. 2)No sooner had we arrived home than it began to rain. 3)Hardly had we met our friends when the train left.4)Not until the baby fell asleep did the mother leave the room.(主句倒装,从句不倒装)=The mother didnt leave the room until the baby fell asleep.注意:1)Not only.but also.必须连接两个分句时,才使用部分倒装。而且只倒装not only后的分句。如果连接的是两个并列词语,不用倒装结构。如:Not only his father but also I like reading. 2)Hardly.when., Scarcely.than., No sooner.than.意义基本相同,它们连接的句子,都只倒装前一个分句,即:“前倒后不倒(装)”。3)当not until(直到。才)引导主从复合句时,主句倒装,从句不用倒装,或者可以理解为:“后倒前不倒(装)”。含有否定意义的介词词组:如:By no means should we tell lies. On no account should we let him leave. At no time(决不)will I get married to you. In (Under) no circumstances will I lend money to him.注意:in no time(立即,马上)位于句首时,其后无需用倒装语序:In no time he worked out the problem. 他马上就算出了那道题。2.only+副词;或介词短语;或状语从句时,主句倒装; eg: Only in this way can you use the computer well. (only+介词短语) Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing.(only+副词)Only when it began to rain did he finish his job.(only+状语从句)3. so用在句首,表示另一主语“也。样”时,用“So + be(have,助动词或情态动词)+主语”结构;而表示另一主语“也不。样”时,用“NorNeither + be(have,助动词或情态动词)+主语”结构;注意:若是对上文同一主语的情况进行强调时,不倒装。句型为“So+主语+be或do(did)/have ”。He went to school yesterday, so did I.-David has made great progress recently. -So he has, and so have you.He hasnt finished his homework, and nor have I. 特别注意: If you wont go, neither/nor will I. 4. as 作“尽管虽然”,引导让步状语从句(as可以换成though),由于语法需要,需要部分倒装。 Shortest as/though she is, she is not the fattest.(倒装后,最高级前不用冠词) Child as he is, he knows a lot.(倒装后,单数名词前不用a) Fail as I did, I would try again.(倒装后,实义动词提前,在主语后添加助动词。) Hard as he tried, he didnt pass the exam.(副词提到句首) 注意:though位于句首引导让步状语从句时,可以倒装,也可以不倒装。但as引导让步状语从句时,必须使用倒装。否则就变成了原因状语从句。eg:As he is too young, he couldnt go to school.5.在”sothat”和”suchthat”引导的结果状语从句中,当so和such位于句首时,用”sosuch + . +部分谓语+ 主语+.”; So difficult was the exam that most of the students failed to pass it.=The exam was so difficult that most of the students failed to pass it. 6. 若if 引导的虚拟条件句中有were, had, should 时, 可将if省略,把were, had , should 放在句首。整理为word格式1) Should it rain tomorrow, we would not play basketball. =If it should rain tomorrow, we would not play basketball. 2)Had I prepared well, I couldnt have lost the job. =If I had prepared well, I couldnt have lost the job.3) Were he to come tomorrow, I would go to meet him at the airport. =If he were to come tomorrow, I would go to meet him at the airport.倒装句练习题 1. Not until I began to work _ how much time I had wasted. A. didnt I realize B. did I realize C. I didnt realize D. I realized 2. Only by practising a few hours every day _ be able to master the language. A. you can B.
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