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课时:三年级上册13 课型:Cartoon time,Checkout time. 主备:张洁 审核: 时间:2012.8.29学习目标:1.能熟练的辨认Miss Li, Mike, Bobby, Sam.2.能熟练地运用Good morning./Good afternoon. Hello./Hi在不同的情境中与身边的人打招呼。3.能听懂、会说、会读、会默写以下字母:Aa Bb Cc Dd4.能熟练转换Im /I am5.拓展cat, mouse这两个单词学习重点:1.能熟练的辨认Miss Li, Mike, Bobby, Sam.2.能熟练地运用Good morning./Good afternoon./ Hello./Hi在不同的情境中和身边的的打招呼3.能听懂、会说、会读、会默写以下字母:Aa Bb Cc Dd4.能熟练转换Im /I am学习难点:1.能熟练地运用Good morning./Good afternoon./ Hello./Hi在不同的情境中和身边的的打招呼2.能熟练转换Im /I am3.能听懂、会说、会读、会默写以下字母:Aa Bb Cc Dd自主导学:一、复习1.Good morning, class./ Good morning, Miss Zhang./Hello./Hi等日常用语。2.Sing a songGood morning3.Story time.(师生情景会话,进行不同角色的表演。)师生互动:Step 1. Greeting.1.GreetingT:Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang.2.Sing a songGood morning用Good afternoon和Good evening替换。3.ReadStory time(Read after the tape and act it.)4.Warm upa. Ask and answer.S1:Hello/Hi,ImS2:Hello,Hi,Im(Good morning./Good afternoon./Good evening.)b. Play a game.(Fun time : Im/I am转换游戏)Step 2 Presentation1.Cartoon time: Teacher Shows: Sam(cat)和Bobby(mouse).a. Show the picture of Sam.T:Hello, Im a cat. Miaow, Miaow, Im a cat.Teach : cat (Read this word and act it )b. Show the picture of BobbyT:A cat?S: No.T: Squeak, squeak,Im a mouse.Teach : mouse(Read this word and act it )2.Task:a.看书找出cat 和mouse的名字NameCatMouseb. Listen and answer.(听录音,说出cat 和mouse 的名字。)c. Listen to the tape and finish it.(Listen and number.)d.Watch the cartoon, and try to act it.(Cartoon time)3Checkout time: Listen and respond巩固延伸:1.当学生完成Cartoon time 设计的练习后,让学生用Good afternoon./Good evening.来表演Cartoon time中的情景。(让学生带着Bobby 和Sam头饰来表演。)2.Review the letters.课堂练习:T:Sam and Bobby are our good friends. Lets help them to work out the exercises.a. 听写字母Bb Ddb.写出Bb,的左邻右舍 Aa Bb Cc c.四线三格写字母3.Homework:a. Recite Cartoon timeb. Finish the exercises.板书设计: Unit1 Hello NameCatMouse
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