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四年级下册重点句及复习题型 班别:_ 姓名:_M11 A:Whos that lady?B:Shes my mum. 这个女人是谁?她是我的妈妈。 2 A:How old are you? B:Im ten. 你多少岁了?我十岁。3 A:How old is your mother? 你的妈妈多少岁?B:Shes 35 years old. 她35岁了.4 A:Is the girl playing basketball 这个女孩打篮球well or badly? 好还是差?B:Shes playing it badly. /Badly. 她打得差。5 A:What does she do? 那个女的是干什么的? B:Shes a nurse. 她是一个护士6 She looks beautiful. 她看起来很美丽。7 Shes skipping now. 她正在跳绳。8 A:Are you cutting the cake? 你正在切蛋糕吗? B:Yes,I am. 是的,我是。9 A:Happy birthday! 生日快乐!B:Thank you so much. 非常感谢你。M210 A:What are the children doing? 那些孩子在干什么?B:Theyre eating pears. 他们在吃梨子。 11 A:What is the baby doing? 那个婴儿在干什么?B:Hes dancing. 他正在跳舞。12 A:Are you listening to the radio? 你正在听收音机吗? B; No,Im not. 不,我不是。13 A:What are you doing out there? 你正在外面的那个地方干什么? B: Im making a model. 我正在做模型。14 Is she enjoying it? 她喜欢吗?15 Im really having fun. 我真的很快乐。M316 Jiamin is running fast now. Jiamin正在快跑。17 Theyre swimming slowly. 他们正在很慢地游泳。18 A:Which(What) sport are 你们擅长于什么运动?you good at? B:Im good at the long jump. 我们擅长于跳远。19 A:Is the girl playing basketball 那个女孩打篮球好还是差?well or badly?B:Badly. 她打得差。20、 A:Whats your favourite sport ? 你最喜爱的运动是什么?B:The high jump. 跳高。M421 、A:What do you think of films? 你认为电影怎么样?B:I think films are interesting/boring. 我想电影是有趣的/厌烦的。22、I like playing computer games. 我喜欢玩电脑游戏。23、 He/She likes listening to the news. 他/她喜欢收听新闻。24 He/She doesnt like watching TV plays. 他/她不喜欢看电视戏剧。25A:Does he/she like seeing a flower show? 他/她喜欢看花展吗?B1:Yes,he/she does. 是的,他/她喜欢。 B2:No,he/she doesnt. 不,他/她不喜欢。M526 A:Would you like two pieces of bread ? 你想要两片面包吗?B:No,thanks.或Yes,please. 不,谢谢。/好的,请给我。27 Jiamin doesnt like water or juice. 家明不喜欢水和果汁。28 A:What do you usually have for breakfast? 你通常吃什么作为你的早餐?B:I usually have buns for breakfast. 我常吃小馒头作为早餐。29 I like rice noodles best. 我最喜欢米粉。 30 A:What would you like to have for lunch? 你喜欢吃什么作为午餐?B:Id like rice,tomatoes and chicken. 我喜欢米饭,西红柿和鸡肉。31 A:What do you want for starters? 你想要什麼作為第一道菜? B:I like Chinese cabbage soup. 我喜欢白菜汤。32 I dont like salad,and I dont like 我不喜欢沙拉, ice creams,either. 我也不喜欢冰淇淋。33 A:Can I have the chips,please? 请给我一些薯条,可以吗? B1:Here you are. 给你。 B2:Of course,here you are. 当然,给你 B3:Of course,no problem. 当然,没问题。34 A: Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗?B:Yes,how much are the carrots? 是的,那些胡萝卜多少钱?A:They are 1 dollar a kilo. 他们是一美元一公斤。B:OK.Id like half a kilo,please. 好的。请给我半公斤。A:Sure.Do you want anything else? 当然.你还要些别的东西吗?B: No.Thats it,thanks. 不了.就这些,谢谢。35 A:What can I do for you? 我能帮助你什么吗?B:These potatoes look good. 这些马铃薯看起来很好。 A:How much do they cost?=How much are they? 他们是多少钱?B:Theyre 2 dollars 30 cents a kilo. 他们是两美元三十分一公斤。B:Id like two kilos of potatoes. 我想要两公斤的马铃薯。A:OK.Thats 4 dollars 60 cents. 好的,那是四元六十分。B:OK.Thank you. 好的,谢谢你。 Heres your change. 给你的零钱。36 Whos next,please? 下一位?37 A:Do we need any milk? 我们需要些牛奶吗?B:Yes,we do. 是的。我们需要38 A:Which is cheaper? 哪个更便宜?B:This is cheaper. Its 1.3 yuan a box. 这个更便宜。它是1.3元一盒。l 记住疑问词,千万别答非所问:1. What 什么 2。What time问时间 3.What colour 问颜色 4What day 问星期几 5。What 。job?问工作 5.What country问国家 6。What programmes问节目7What subject问科目 8。What
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