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单元:Unit 5 课题:What do they do? 课时: 1 课型:新授【教学内容】 Story time【教学目标】(一)知识目标1 通过整体阅读Story time,理清语篇思路,了解其中所涉及人物的职业。2 在故事中学习,通过查阅单词表、字典、猜测词义等方式听懂、会说、会读单词:teacher, teach, write, writer, work, worker, farmer, doctor, nurse, policeman, cook, help, sick people, factory. 3 学生能够运用句型:What do/does do? 来询问别人的职业,并掌握其回答:Im/Hes/Shes a 。(二)能力目标1能够用正确的语音、语调朗读故事,复述故事。2通过自主学习和小组合作,能主动询问或者介绍自己和别人的职业。(三)情感目标 1能够在阅读过程中了解和体验各种职业的乐趣。2结合家庭实际情况,能给自己的同伴介绍自己家人的职业。【教学重点】通过有步骤的阅读,掌握Story time的大意,能运用这课所学的知识来询问他人的职业和介绍自己和他人的职业。【教学难点】词汇:sick, factory, writer, people等词的读音;teaches, has, writes, works, helps, makes, does的动词三单的读音及正确用法。【教学准备】教学光盘、单词卡、小奖品等。【课前先学】 1. 查阅单词表和字典,写出书本P48页下方单词的音标,先自己根据音标试读,然后听录音验证。 2. 了解自己家人的年龄、体貌特征、职业、兴趣爱好等,尽量用英语表达。 3. 导P41页自主先学题。【教学过程】先 学 预 设后 教 策 略二次调整Step 1. Preparation1. Brain storm教师先给出一个单词,然后要求学生说出一个同类的单词。本活动可以以小组的形式进行比赛操作,也可以以接龙形式进行。如:T: Father.(Mother/brother/sister/aunt/uncle/grandpa/grandma )T: Chinese./Small./Sing./2. Free talkT: Fantastic! You can say so many words.Today, well talk about family. Q1. How many people are there in your family?Q2. Who are they?Q3. Is your father/mother thin/tall/long ?Q4. What can he/she do?Q5. What does he/she like doing?Step 2. Presentation & Practice1. Learn the new wordsT: Oh, I know your father can . Guess, what can I do? I can do a lot of things. Who can ask me?S: Can you ?T: Yes, I can. /No, I cant.T: As you know I have a car. I can drive. (做动作) But I am not a driver. 教读drive, driverT: And I can teach English. You know I am your teacher. I have a lot of students.教读teach, teacher.T: look at the four words, can you find the rules? (动词后加er变成表示职业的名词。)T: (出示write, work, farm) We know these words, they are verbs. Guess their nouns according to the rules.T: Pay attention: write本身是e结尾,名词直接加r。writer,worker, farmerT: (出示cook, policeman) 特殊的词,cook既是动词烧菜,又是名词厨师;policeman是由两个名词组合而成的。2. Learn the sentence patterns1. Present the sentence patterns(1) T: Look at these words: teacher, driver, writer and worker They are all jobs. If you want to know someones job, you can ask: What do you do? (教师或小老师教这一句子) Can you ask me together? (Im a teacher.)(2) Present a picture of a doctor.T: What does he do? (T-S, T-Ss, S-T, Ss-T)(3) Show another picture. (a nurse) Learn the new word and practice in pairs.3. Learn the textTask 1. Watch and answerT: We are students. Su Hai and Mike are students too. What about their parents? Lets watch the cartoon and answer the questions on P.50. (教师及时板书人物和职业。)Task 2. Read and judgeT: Good. Now read the story silently and judge.1. Mikes father teaches Chinese. (F)2. Mikes mother writes stories. (T)3. Su Hais father helps sick people. (T)4. Su Hais mother makes toys. (F)Task 3. Think and write(完成课文P50)Mikes father is a _. He _ English. His mother is a _. She _ stories.Su Hais father is a _. He _ sick people. Her mother is a factory _. She_ sweets.(教师及时完善黑板上的板书)Task 4. Happy reading1. Read after the tape.2. Read in roles. Step 3. ProductionRetell the story.T: Can you retell this story? You can retell the story according to out blackboard writing. (教师示范一个人物后,请学生作示范。)Work in groups.S1:Mikes father is a teacher. He teaches English. He has a lot of students. S2:His mother is a writer. She writes stories. She works at home.S3: Su Hais father is a doctor. He helps sick people.S4: Su Hais mother is a factory worker. She makes sweets.Step 4. Progress1. Design a name card T:You did a good job. Now,boys and girls, lets design a name card for your father or your mother. 要求学生给自己的父母制作一张名片。左边画上自己的父亲或母亲,然后在名片的右边写上一段介绍自己父母亲的话。)2. Show timeT: Now lets show your fathers or mothers name card. Try to talk about them. Eg. My father is Yang Yuxin. Hes 33. Hes a doctor. He helps sick people. He likes playing football.(让学生展示自己所做的名片,然后用英语介绍一下自己父亲或母亲。)既然是“头脑风暴”,就特别注重学生的快速反应能力,要注意学生说得又快又对,小组评价及时展开。通过Free talk环节,复习有关家庭成员类的词汇,体貌特征及动作类等的词汇。这个环节教师在处理的时候要注意选择对话的对象,难易程度针对不同的学生,尽量激发学生原有的语言知识,为新课学习做好铺垫。为了降低story time环节中的单词难点,可以在预习的基础上,结合教师的生活实际,先解决几个职业类的单词。先让学生通过猜测老师可以做什么,来逐步接触drive,driver;teach, teacher,如果学生不理解drive,教师可以做动作让学生理解并尝试读。让学生观察teacher, driver和其对应的动词形式,找出这两个职业类的名词有什么特征。学生有可能读不准work,教师可以给一些音标的提示或者利用其他单词来找发音规律,比如word, bird。对于farm这个词,学生只知道它的名词意思,是农场,不知道它也是一个动词,教师可告知他们farm的另一个意思是种田。这些词加了er以后,读音有什么区别呢?请学生听一听,说一说,再读一读。Policeman中a的读音学生易读错为/e/,教师要其注意发音为/。让学生尽量自己总结 They are all jobs.基础好的学生能够回答怎样询问别人的职业What do you do? 在这一句型练习中,教师可先作示范,然后让学生两两操练,学生可能在does和do及he和she之间有所混淆,教师可启发他们自我纠错。这是初读环节,学生可能会照着书本全部读出,教师提醒只需说出职业名称即可。学生可能对factory worker中的factory不认识,教师启发他们根据插图及上下文猜测词义。出示判断题时,学生对sick people不理解,教师可以让其联系语境猜测,指出其近义词ill,对ill和sick的区别稍作讲解。(见教参P98)指导学生在独立阅读语篇时要圈画出与问题相关的内容,帮助思考。 引导学生关注几个动词的三单形式,并请学生当小老师领读,可以结
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