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文献出处:Ramsy; Lad. nternet inacesmpac on raditiona Fince J. TheJural ItrnationalFinance, , 1(): 3-49.原文ntert Fnace Impat nradiioal FancRey; Labordbstract As the adancs i moern inormatindIternet technolg, eseill he dlo of lou coptig,bida, moblIteet, earh engnes d socil etworks,rooudl change, ev subvert many traitoalndustri, adthe nncil inusryisno excetion. In rcent yas,finania ndusty hasce he most frahing areiflened b Internet, after ommerca distibto an the media.Man Itrebased financal evic dls haemrge, nve ada proound an huge mac ontradoal anci indusis. InernetFnac han thfous ofpulic tentioIntne-Fnnce slowost,higheieny, anpays moreatetiont th sr pernce, an thee eatr enab i o fuly me th specil need oftraditionalng ailfnancal make,toflxilpride oe convnien and fficint finaialservies and iverif finanil prodcts, greatl pandte cop and epth o fnancal ervies, hen the distancebetweepeop space and time, and o establsh a e financalenviroen, hi ffectiely inegte and ake ue of fragmetedtime, infomation,capitl ad othescateeeoues, then a u to fom a scale, n gownw rofi pitfor viousfinacianstituins. orver, with th contino peneton and ntegratonirditinal finnial fied, Internet-Fnanc wll big new callenges, ut also ortunities o he tradition. It ntbute oth tansfrmatioof te adiionl cmrcal bans, copensatefr the lack fefficiecy ifundinpocss nfomtion iterao,ad povidwdstrbution hanls or secriie, inace,funds n other finia roucts. Formny SMEs, Intene-Fiance extendther fiancinchannes,redce thrincing thrshold, an ve heir efficienc n using funds. Hwe, he crossustry natre the Internet Finance etrmiits riskfcor are more ople, sensitvandaried, d erer wemus operlyhande he retinhip tween nnvaive deelopment and market regulatin,indsty s-reuation.ey ords :Intrnet Finac;Comercia Banks;ffets; gulator1 trdctioTe oniuus devemnt of Internet tehnlog, lodcompig, big data, a growng numbe of Iteret aictionsuch as serk fr e busines deopmento taditonalinutr pves a sronpport, lev f peneaton of heIntrnt the trditinl industyThe end the0th cetuy, Mrooftcairmn Bill Gates, who eae, hetaditionaomerial bank wll ecoe he nw cetuynosau. Nwaay, wth heevepent f the nterneelecton normtion techoloy, we rell flt tstrend, mbie ayment, eetonicbank alreay occies the otntostnn ourdaillifeDutote cpt o te nterntinacilalmos enrel from the usisspractces, treor the prsent study usedon he dicussion Iternet fincia specific mod,andth nflencof raditiona fnacl inustry anaysisn coter asuesr lck osteicreeah. ntnhs lwayeea keybtteground i risinvetment, ad financial inustryis the thnking od innovative experimeal vrious usinssmodels emergen ndlss, sotis dificult to useafixeet of thinking to lssfiction andefintion The ul peneratand itegatio of Iterntn iancial, i a eflecon f tchnial developena marke rlesruemnt, i an irvesib rend. TheInternet bingaditional inancilsnt only a l cost anhighefiiency, ore is a kino inoive thinking mode ad unremtng purut of t r experience.e trditional fnancia indust to acly rspo to.nternt finacial, for suc a vst lue oceanenouh to chnge he wod,i s verworthy o attention to traiten u is epmet, from the exitig busiessmodelto is devlopment rsect. Intenet fancalblongs to the lt rt form, discusesthe rnetfnancirearch f lteatue, buth lack of semic dmoeacial. Soth aricle acodingto the caaceristics of the Ieret indut pctc tronger, th seeral bu odels onthe make fr summar ansis,n e traitinlinncia industr w to aively rspod the Intret wa o inancial analysisad Sugestions are give, wih stron pactical ignicance.2 Inernet fnancickgrouInternet nancial pltfmbas on Interne rsurce, th basis of te i da andclud omputin n financiamodel. Interne finace wh thehelp f heInenet techlogy,mble ounicationecoogy t relzfinancing, paymnta
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