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情态动词的异化现象- 情态动词用于征求对方意见的问答用法小结广河中学 刘国娟 不少情态动词可用于疑问句征求对方意见或表示语气委婉、 客气、礼貌等,如 can I., would you like . 。但有些词如 might,could, 表示征求对方意见时,回答必须还成 may, can 。即有些情态动词用于疑问句进行回答时,在某个角度不能继续使用该情态动 词,而改用别的词,这种情况被称为情态动词的异化现象。下面就有些情态动词用于疑 问句征求对方意见的问答发生异化现象的用法作一小结。1、could提出委婉的请求,但在回答中不可用 could,而用can或其他结构- Could I have the television on?- Yes, you can. / No, you cant.- Could I borrow your dictionary?- Yes , you can/may.- Sure. Go ahead.- Please yourself.2、 Must用于一般问句中,肯定回答用must,否定式用needn t或don t have to ,译 做“不必”。(mustn t表示“禁止,不允许”,而没有“不必”的意思。)- Must we hand in our exercises today ?我们今天必须交作业吗?- Yes , you must . 是的,必须交。- No , you needn t (or , you don t have to ). 不,不必今天交。3、用 will 来向第二人称提问的疑问结构,是表示一种请求和意愿,意思是“请你 , , 好吗”。对于这种问句的回答是:- Sure! Gertainly!- Yes, of course.- I d be glad to- I m sorry, I can t.- No, I m afraid I can t.- I m sorry, but ,- I d like to, but , 等4、need用于疑问句,表“需要,吗”- Need you go now? 你现在得走吗?- No, I needn t. 不必。- Yes, I must. 是的,我必须走* needn t对其它情态动词的回答:-Shall I tell John about it?- No, you needn t /don t have to5、May / Might I / we, ?这一类疑问句的回答有如下表达法:- May / Might I smoke here? 我可以在这儿抽烟吗?- Yes, you may/can. (might 回答时必须还原成 may)- Yes, please.- Yes, Certainly.- Sure . / Certainly .- No, you cant.- No, you mustnt.- No, youd better not.- Please don t . .练习1: -Could I borrow your dictionary?Yes, of course you.A. mightB. willC. can D. should练习2:-Need I hand in my exercise book at once?Yes, you.A. must B. need C. canD. will练习 3: Will you stay for lunch?Sorry, . My brother is coming to see me.(NMET 99)A.I mustn t B.I can t C.I needn t D.I won 练习4: -Must I start at once?-No, you.A. needn t B. mustn t C. can tD. wont答案: CABA
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