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十二个月份1. Janurary2. February3. March4. April5. May6. June7. July8. August9. September10. October11. November12. December机票类型1. round-trip ticketreturn2. one-way ticket3. first class4. business class5. economy class6. direct flight (non-stop flight)7. flight transfer订机票英语口语情景对话(1)A: Good morning. What can I do for you? B: Yes, Id like to make a reservation to Boston next week.A: When do you want to fly? B: Monday, September 12. A: We have Flight 802 on Monday. Just a moment please. Let me check whether therere any seats available. Im sorry we are all booked up for Flight 802 on that day.B: Then , any alternatives? A: The next available flight leaves at 9:30 Tuesday morning, September 13. Shall I book a seat for you?B: Er. It is a direct flight, isnt it? A: Yes, it is. You want to go first class or business class? B: I prefer first class, whats the fare?A: One way is $176.B: Ok, I will take the 9:30 flight on Tuesday.A: A seat on Flight 807 to Boston 9:30 Tuesday morning. Is it all right, sir?B: Right .Can you also put me on the waiting list for the 12th?A: Certainly. May I have your name and telephone number?B: My name is Loris Anderson. You can reach me at .A: I will notify you if there is a cancellation.B: Thank you very much.A: My pleasure.对话(2)W: What can I do for you?M: I need to book a ticket to London.W: Round-trip or one-way?M: One-way.W: What date would you like to fly?M: Saturday, July 25.W: How many people will be traveling?M: Just one adult.W: Which class?M: Economy, please. Economy class is the cheapest, right?W: Right. Ok, the fare is $700. 对话(3)A: Welcome to Nappon Airlines. How may I help you?B: I need a ticket to Osaka, Japan?A: We have three flights to Osaka weekly: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The flights on Monday and Friday are direct and the one on Wednesday has a stopover in Tokyo. When were you thinking of flying to Osaka?B: I would prefer Wednesday.A: Will this be round trip or one way? B: Round trip returning the following Monday. A: How would you like to fly? Economy? Business? Or first class?B: Business, please. A: And will anyone be traveling with you? B: No. Im traveling alone. A: OK, please give me a minute while I check price and availability. Oh! Good! There are several seats still available. The flight departs at 11:20 AM and arrives in Osaka at 6:40 PM local time. The price is $877.00. Shall I book it for you?B: Not yet. I have a few more places to check and then Ill get back to you.常问的话:Are you traveling alone(一人旅行)?Will this be one way 单程or return双程?When would you like to depart? (起程)When would you like to return?(回程)Do you mind a stopover(中途停留)? Or would you prefer direct(直飞)?Would you prefer economy(经济舱), business,(商务舱) or first class?(头等舱)1 下个去洛杉矶的航班是什么时候?是满舱吗? When is the next flight to Los Angeles? Is it full? 2 下一个航班还有座位吗? Are there seats available on the next flight? 3 下一个航班我能等票吗? Can I go 1下个去洛杉矶的航班是什么时候?是满舱吗?WhenisthenextflighttoLosAngeles?Isitfull?2下一个航班还有座位吗?Arethereseatsavailableonthenextflight?3下一个航班我能等票吗?CanIgostandbyonthenextflight?4给我订两张去纽约的美航104班机的经济舱机票。BookmetwoeconomyclassseatsonAAFlight104toNewYork.5我要经济舱的机票。Iwanttogoeconomy.6请买两张明天中国民航244班机经济座机票。TwotouristclassticketsforCAACFlight244tomorrow,please.7我要一张6月9日飞往华盛顿的机票。IdliketobookaflighttoWashingtonfortheninthofJune,please.8我要一张本星期日飞往波士顿的头等舱机票。IdlikeafirstclasstickettoBostonforthisSunday.9我想要下午4点20分班机的二等机票。IthinkIllflycoachonthe4:20p.m.flight.10我想买头等机票。Idliketotravelfirstclass,please.11我想买一张夜间的二等机票。Idpreferanightcoach.12我想坐上午的班机。Idlikeamorningflight.13我想5月5日飞往纽约。IdliketoflytoNewYorkonthefifthofMay.14我想预订7月5日飞往纽约的机票。IdliketomakeareservationtoNewYorkforJuly5.15还有我不要乘夜间的班机。Bytheway,Idontwantanightflight.16我不能坐上午的班机走。Icantgobythemorningflight.17我相信我们的机票都已办好了吧。我的名字是约翰济慈。Ibelieveourticketsareready.MynamesJohnKeats.18我想再确定我预定的机票。Idliketoreconfirmmyplanereservation.19我想确定我预定的机票是否已经办妥了。Idliketomakesuremyplanereservationisinorder.20我想确定我们联运班机的预订票。Idliketoconfirmourconnectingflightreservation,please.21我相信下星期六有一班机飞往纽约。IbelievetheresaflighttoNewYorknextSaturday.22那么我就坐星期一10点30分的班机。ThenIlltakethe10:30flightonMonday.23我要一张回程不定期的头等来回票。Iwantafirstclassopenreturn,please.24我要一张三天会成的经济舱来回票。Illneedaneconomyclass,three-dayreturn.25我要12点15分飞离纽约的汉莎三叉戟的机票。IwantaLufthansatridentoutofNewYorkat12:15.26我打算中途在波士顿下飞机。ImgoingtobreakmyJourneyatBoston.27我打算在纽约中途停留。ImgoingtostopoveratNewYork. . I want a package deal including airfare and hotel. 我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿。 2. Id like two seats on todays Northwest Flight 7 to Detroit, please. 我想订两张今天西北航
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