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五年级 (精通版)上册英语单词 句型Unit 1 国家单词:BritainAustraliaNew ZealandFranceGermany Russia 英国澳大利亚新西兰法国德国俄罗斯China Canada America Singapore中国加拿大美国新加坡四会句子:三会句子:Im Bob. Im eleven. Where are you from? Im from China. Whats your name?Where do you live? My name is Carl. I live on Shanghai Street. Unit 2 描述人的形容词:clever quiet pretty smart cute lovely active beautiful handsome 聪明的 安静的漂亮的 聪明的可爱的可爱的活泼的漂亮的英俊的身体部位单词:eyenosehaireararmfootfacemouthleghand眼睛鼻子头发耳朵胳膊脚脸嘴腿手四会句子:三会句子:Whats his name? Hes clever. His name is Peter. Shes pretty. Whats her name?How old is he? Her name is ZhouPei.He is eleven. Hes smart. How old are you?How old is she ? Im ten.She is twelve. She is cute. Shes beautiful. Whos that man? He is my uncle. He is handsome. Whos that woman?She is my aunt. Unit 3 职业单词:writersingerdancerworkeractoractresspolicewoman reporter policeman police driver 作家歌手舞蹈家工人演员女演员女警察 记者 警察 警察 司机家庭成员单词:fathemotheruncleauntsisterbrothergrandfathergrandmothercousin 爸爸妈妈叔叔阿姨姐妹兄弟爷爷奶奶表兄弟、姐妹四会句子:三会句子:This is my father. He is a writer. This is my mother. She is a dancer. He is an actor. What does your father do ? She is a worker. What does your mother do? Whos he?Whats his job? Hes my uncle. Hes a policeman. Whos she?Whats her job? Shes my aunt.Shes a policewoman. Unit 4 地点介词:inonat在.里在.上在.地点词语:cinemabankhotelhospitalshopping mall restaurantlibrary电影院银行宾馆医院购物中心饭馆公司图书馆四会句子:三会句子:Where do you work?Where do you study? I work in a cinema.I study at Sunny School. He works in Beijing Hospital.Where does your father work? She works at CCTV.Where does your mother work? My grandfather is a taxi driver. My mother is a teacher in a school.Unit 5 动物单词:fish hengoosecowhorseelephant 鱼母鸡鹅母牛马大象学习用品单词:schoolbag rulercrayondictionaryactivity book 书包尺子蜡笔字典活动手册生活用品单词:sun cap cameraumbrella fan 太阳帽照相机雨伞扇子四会句子:三会句子:Is this your schoolbag? Is this your ruler? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Is that your elephant?Is that your fish? No, it isnt. Yes, it isnt.Whose umbrella is this?Its Peters umbrella.Unit 6 水果单词:coconut grapefruit hami melon watermelon cherry strawberry 椰子西柚哈密瓜西瓜樱桃草莓star fruit peachlongangrape杨桃桃子龙眼/桂圆葡萄饮料:Milkwaterjuiceorange牛奶水果汁橙汁食物:noodlehamburgerbreadchickenhot dogrice面条汉堡面包鸡肉热狗米饭四会句子:三会句子:Whats this ? Its a pear. Can I have one? Whats that? Its a watermelon.Yes, Ill buy one for you. Is this a cherry? Yes,it is. Is that a peach? No,it isnt. What are these? They are grapes. What are those? They are apples. 页码 / 总页数
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