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2020-2021学年高中英语 Unit 9 Learning lesson 1练习北师大版必修32020-2021学年高中英语 Unit 9 Learning lesson 1练习北师大版必修3年级:姓名:Unit 9LearningLesson 1词汇知识自主学习. 根据语境写出正确的单词1. reflect on what we have learnt反思我们所学到的2. the inner voice and the outer voice内在的声音和外在的声音3. be flexible in your opinions 灵活表达你的观点4. the easiest way to promote active learning促进积极学习的最简单的方法5. an idea sounds entirely unlikely一个听起来完全不可能的想法6. dinosaurs still exist today恐龙今天仍然存在7. have enough data to support their views有足够的数据支持他们的观点8. refuse to learn or ignore what is said拒绝学习或忽略别人所说的话9. judge people based on first impressions根据第一印象来判断人. 根据语境写出黑体短语的含义1. He now has a long time to reflect on what he has done. (反思)2. I dont want to argue with you. (与争吵)3. My hope is that he will end up making the right decision. (最终)4. It took me some time to work out what was causing this. (弄懂)5. In short, there is no simple answer to what makes a team successful. (总而言之)6. He attempted to climb the mountain, but in vain. (尝试)7. All of the work we do is based on science. (以为依据). 根据课文补全句式1. Your inner voice expresses your personal opinions, while the outer voice tells you about opinions (而外面的声音告诉你观点)from what you hear or read. 2. Instead, active learners are open-minded and focus on what the speaker/writer is saying(演讲者/作者在说的), not on what their brain is saying in the background. 3. If not(如果不是那样), at least you have “listened to”another point of view. 4. If you try to find out the source of an idea, no matter how crazy it seems(不管这看起来有多疯狂), you will increase your chance of learning something. 5. It is true that (确实)we cannot help disliking some peoplethis is human nature, after all. 阅读精析合作学习Task 1框架宏观建构: 整体理解1. Skim the passage and fill in the blanks. Para. 1: What is (1)_ learning? Para. 2: Listen to the (2)_voice. Para. 3: Argue with your (3)_ voice. Para. 4: Ask (4)_. Para. 5: Get to the (5)_. Para. 6: (6)_ the message. 答案: (1)active(2)outer(3)inner(4)questions(5)truth(6)Focus on2. What is the text type of the passage? A. Narration (记叙文). B. Argumentative Essay (议论文). C. Expository Writing (说明文). D. Practical Writing (应用文). 答案: C3. Whats the main idea of this passage? The passage is mainly about what active learning is. 【寻技巧提能力】如何识别文章结构1. 找出文章的主题段落。2. 找出每个段落的主题句。3. 理解文中的代词指的是什么。4. 理解文本是如何发展的。Task 2文本微观剖析: 细节探究1. Choose the best answer. (1)Most people believe that_. A. we need to train ourselves to be better learnersB. the human brain learns all by itselfC. we need to actively take part in the learning processD. it isnt always true that the human brain is set on “automatic”(2)How many suggestions are given in the text to take an active role in learning? A. Five. B. Four. C. Three. D. Six. (3)Which one is the easiest way to promote active learning? A. Listening to the outer voice. B. Arguing with your inner voice. C. Asking questions. D. Getting to the truth. (4)What can we learn from the text? A. The outer voice expresses your personal opinions. B. Active learners focus on what their brain is saying in the background. C. Active learners accept everything they learn. D. Active learners dont judge people based on first impressions or personal feelings. 答案: (1)(4)BACD2. Reread the passage and fill in the blanks. ACTIVELEARNINGSuggestions Learning processListen to the outervoiceThe outer voice tells you about (1)opinions from what you hear or read. Active learners are open-minded and (2)focus on what the speaker/writer is saying, not on what their brain is saying in the background. Argue with your inner voiceWhen your inner voice tells you a speaker/writer is wrong, think about why the speaker/writer may be right. Be (3)flexible in your opinions and you might end up (4)agreeing with the speaker/writer after all. If not, at least you have “ listened to”another point of view. Ask questionsWhen you get (5)information from someone, from books or the Internet, ask two, three, even five questions about the topic. The very act of (6)working out questions will help you to achieve a higher level of understanding about the topic. Get to the truthActive learners do not accept everything they learn. They (7)attempt to find the truth (8)at the heart of each idea. Even when an idea sounds entirely unlikely, there may be an aspect of it that is based on truth. Focus on the message Active learners do not judge people based on first (9)impressions or personal feelings. Instead, they (10)separate the message from the messenger. 3. Long sentence analysis. (1)Your inner voice (主语)expresses (谓语)your personal opinions(宾语), while(并列连词) the outer voice (主语)tells (谓语) you(宾语) about opinions from what you hear or read(宾语从句). 译文: 内心声音表达你的个人意见, 而外部的声
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