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2005Part II vocabularysection A31.There was no_but to close the road until February. A.dilemma B.denying C.alternative D.doubt32.I_when I heard that my grandfather had died.A.fell apart B.fell away C.fell out D.fall back 33.Im_passing a new law that helps poor children get better medicine.A.taking advantage of B.standing up forC.looking up to D.taking hold of 34.In front of the platform,the students were talking with the professor over the quizzes of their_subjects.A.compulsory B.compulsive C.alternative D.predominant 35.The tutor tells the undergraduates that one can acquire_in a foreign language through more practice.A.proficiency B.efficiency C.efficacy D.frequency36.The teacher explained the new lesson_to the students.A.at random B.at a loss C.at length D.at hand 37.I shall _the loss of my reading-glasses in newspaper with a reward for the finder. A.advertise B.inform C.announce D.publish38.The poor nutrition in the early stages of infancy can _adult growth. A.degenerate B.deteriorate C.boost D.retard39.She had a terrible accident,but_she wast killed. A.at all events B.in the long run C.at large D.in vain40.His weak chest_him to winter illness .A.predicts B.preoccupies C.prevails D.predisposesSection B41.The company was losing money,so they had to lay off some of its employees for three months.A.owe B.dismiss C.recruit D.summon 42.The north American states agrreed to sign the agreement of economical and military union in Ottawa. A.convention B.conviction C.contradiction D.confrontation43 The statue would be perfect but for a few small defects in its base.A.faults B.weaknesses C.flaws D.errors44.When he finally emerged from the cave after thirty days.John was startlingly pale. A.amazingly B.astonishingly C.uniquely D.dramatically45.If you want to set up a company,you must comply with the regulations laid down by the authorities.A.abide by B.work out C.check out D.succumb to46.The school master applauded the girls bravery in his opening speech. A.praise B.appraised C.cheered D.clapped 47.The local government leaders are making every effort to tackle the problem of poverty. A.abolish B.address C.extinguish D.encounter48.This report would be intelligible only to an expert in computing. A.intelligent B.comprehensive C.competent D.comprehensible 49.Reading a book and listening to music simultaneously seems to be mo problem for them.A.intermittently B.constantly C.concurrently D.continuously50.He was given a laptop computer in acknowledgement of his work for the company.A.accomplishment B.recognition C.apprehension D.commitmentPart III Close In Mr.Allens high school class,all students have to “get married”.However,the wedding ceremonies are not real ones but 51 .These mock ceremonies sometimes become so 52 that the loud laughter drowns out the voive of the “minister”.Even the two students getting married often begin to giggle.The teacher Mr. Allen,believes that marriage is a difficult and serious business.He wants young people to understand that there are many changes that 53 take place after marriage.He believes that the need for these psychological and financial 54 should be understood before people marry.Mr.Allen doest only introduce his students to major problems 55 in marriage such as illness or unemployment.He also expose them to nitty-gritty problems they will face every day.He wants to introduce young people to all the trials and 56 that can strain a marriage to the breaking point .He even 57 his students with the problems of divorced men must pay child support money for their wives.It has been upsetting for some of the students to see the problems that a married couple often faces. 58 they took the course,they had not worried much about the problems of marriage.However,both students and parents feel that Mr.Allens course is valuable and have 59 the course publicly.There statements and letters supporting the class have, 60 the school to offer the course again,51. A.duplications B.imitations C.assumption D.fantasies 52. A.noisy B.artificial C.graceful D.real 53. A.might B.would C.must D.need 54. A.issues B.adjustments C.matters D.expectancies 55. A.to face B.facing C.having faced D.faced 56. A.tribulations B.errors C.triumphs D.verdicts 57. A.informs B.concerns C. triumphs D.associates58. A.Until B.Before C.After D.As. 59. A.taken B.suggested C.endorsed D.reproched 60. A.confined B.convinced C.compromised D.conceivedpassage oneWhy do people always want to ge
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