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最新版英语学习资料课题:Unit 3 Where would you like to visit? (SectionB 1a-1d)序号: 课型: 主备人: 审核: 时间: 一、学习目标 1. 掌握关系副词 where 引导的定语从句。2. 能够仿照例子学会谈论想去的地方。3. 学习重难点:Relative clauses where.二、活动导学1. 读电子信息,判断句子,对的用(T)标示,错误的用(F)标示。2. 理解课文,找出重点句子和短语,标示于书上。3. 翻译短语或句子。(1) 旅行 _ (2)提供给我一些信息 _(3) 有厨房的房间 _ (4)自己做饭攒钱 _(5) 我们想呆在有大游泳池或海边的地方。 _(6) 我们想离开大约三周。_(7) 孔子出生在曲阜,是很有教育意义的。_(8) 长城_ (9)云南石林 _三、达标反馈用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I want to go there, because I like _(excite) vacations.2. Could you please _ (give) me some _ (suggest) for vacation spots? 3. Would you like _ (drink) some orange juice? 4.You look tired, why not _ (have) a short rest? 5. His brother is considering _ (study) abroad.6 Youd better take a t when you visit Paris.7.为什么不考虑参观新加坡呢?Why not Singer pore?8.上海是亚洲最具活力的城市之一 Shang hai is the in Asia.9乘地铁去参观巴黎的许多地方是很便利的Its very- take the to most places in Paris.10除非你自己会说法语,你最好旅行时带上一个能当翻译的人 So you can speak French ,its travel with someone can things for you.学后记:3-4达标反馈1, exciting 2, give suggestions 3, to drink 4, have 5, studying 6, taxi7, consider visiting 8, one of liveliest cities 9, convenient to subway 10, unless yourself , better to who translate
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