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人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf Section A(1a-2c) 1.会读及运用以下生单词:suggestion, personal, special, comment, scarf, camera, album。 2.掌握句型:Suggestions: Why dont you do ? Why not do? What /How about doing ? Comments: Thats a good idea. Thats boring/ too personal/not creative enough.【重难点预测】1.掌握询问对方意见的句型。2.掌握评价意见的句型。 【新知导学】1. Would you like to go with us? Sure, Id love to.2. Shall we meet outside the supermarket?3. What/How about playing basketball?【自主预习】1.请同学们先认真阅读学习目标,然后仔细研读课本P60P61,看完后将所学到的东西进行归纳,画出重要知识点,用红笔做好疑难标记。2.试着读一读单词表中本课时的新单词(或词组),将不会的单词圈出来,然后通过听磁带或求助于其他等方式将单词读准、读熟。3.你能翻译下列单词和词组吗?why dont you do= why not do_ What about/ How about doing?_get her a camera_ comment_听起来好_ 相片薄_私人的_ 特别的_太贵_ 太私人化_太便宜_ 太乏味的_不够有创造性的_ 不够特殊的_4.学习 enough 的用法并举例。A) enough+ 名词 enough time 足够的时间 _ _ _ B) 形容词,副词+enough old enough 足够大_ _ _ 5.学习如何评价。(1) That is too expensive . (2)That is not creative enough (3)That is too personal. (4) That is for boys . (5)I dont like it, because the color isnt cool .(6)That is a good idea. (7) I agree with you .除了以上的评论以外, 你还能写出其它的吗?_【合作探究】任务1:仔细看P60-P61的图片,其中出现了哪几种礼物?将它们列举出来,并给出评价。此外你还想到其它的礼物吗?列一列,并给出评价。_任务2:先完成对话,后模仿编对话。A: Tomorrow is my mothers birthday. What should I get her for her birthday?B. Why dont you get her a sweater? A. Thats too common.B: _.A: _.B: _.A: _.B: What about a purse? A: Thats a good idea. Her purse is too old.任务3:听力训练。听录音,完成1b,2a, 2b的听力训练题。任务4:假如父亲的节就要来了,你打算为他准备什么礼物呢?用所学的提建议和评价的句型进行对话,小组合作,看哪组说得又快又好。A: _.B: _.A: _.B: _.考点聚焦提建议和答复建议的表达方式提建议的表达方式1.Why dont you do sth.? 或Why not do sth.? 2.What/How about (doing) sth.?3.Shall we/I do sth.? 4.Lets do sth. 5.Youd better (not) do sth. 6.Would you like? 7.Would you please do sth.?回答建议的表达方式同意对方的建议,一般用:(1)Good idea./ Thats a good idea. (2) OK./All right./ Great. (3)Yes, please./ Id love to. (4) No problem. (5) I agree with you. (6)Sure./ Of course./ Certainly. (7) Yes, I think so.对对方的帮助或要求表示委婉谢绝,一般用:(1)I dont think so./Sorry, I cant/Sorry, but(2) Id love/like to, but/ Im afraid练一练:单项选择( )1.Would you please help me with my written English?_. Practice makes perfect.A. Thats all right B. No problem C. Quite well D. No, thanks( )2.Why not join us in the party, Jimmy? _, but I have to help my mother with housework.A. Lets go B. Id like to C. Yes, please D. Its a pleasureget 意为“买”,相当于buy/get sb. sth.=get sth. for sb. 如:Can you get me some books?=Can you get some books for me?【学案整理】_Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf? Section A (1a 2c)练一练:1.B 2.B
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