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六年级上册各单元期末复习题一、选出不同类的一项( )1.A.pizzaB.fishC.eat( )2.A.postofficeB.getC.cinema( )3.A.nextB.whereC.near( )4.A.mapB.GPSC.TV( )5.A.getonB.gostraightC.turnleft( )6.A.nearB.InfrontofC.what( )7.A.onB.BookstoreC.In( )8.A.howB.ZooC.library( )9.A.parkB.WhenC.home( )10.A.excuseB.CinemaC.hospital二、从A、B、C三个选项中选择最合适的一项。( )1.Whereareyoufrom,Amy?_. A.ImAmy.B.Imten.C.ImfromAmerica.( )2.Stopatthe_. A.yellowlightB.greenlightC.redlight( )3.TheScienceMuseumisneartheschool_theright. A.onB.atC.in( )4.Isthereacinemanearyourhome?_ A.Yes,thereisnt.B.Yes,thereis.C.No,thereis.( )5.If you want to buysomebooks,youcangotothe_. A.bookshopB.shoeshopC.postoffice( )6.If you want to seea doctor,youcangotothe_. A.hospitalB.libraryC.cinema( )7.Turnright_theschool,thengo_. A.of,straightB.at,straightC.in,straight( )8.Howdoyougotoschool?Ioftengotoschool_foot. A.byB.onC.in( )9.Excuseme,whereisthelibrary?Its_thecinema. A.nextB.nexttoC.at( )10.你想知道电影院在哪儿时,可以问:_ A.Excuseme.Whereisthecinema,please?B.Excuseme.Whereistheschool,please? C.Excuseme.Whereisthepostoffice,please?( )11.想询问对方是怎样去学校的,可以问: A. How do you go to school? B. How can I go to school ?( )12.想询问对方“我”可以怎样去公园,可以这样问: A. How do you go to the park? B. How can I go to the park?( )13.别人跟你说“Thank you!”,你应该这样回答: A. Youre wele. B. Ok.( )14.“我可以走路去吗?”,应该这样问: A. Can I go on foot ? B. Can I go by bike?( )15.想知道别人的名字可以这样问: A. How are you ? B. Whats your name ?三、连词成句:1. can,go,on,I,school,foot,to. 2. do,to,park,how,the,you,go? 3. can,No15,go,bus,you,school,to,the,by? 4. near,is,home,the,my,office,post. 5.go,stop,can,to,bus,foot,we,on,the. 四、选出正确的答语第一组:()1.HowcanIgototheZhongShanPark? A.No,itsnotfar. ()2.CanIgoonfoot? B.Youcangobybus ()3.Whereisthelibrary? C.Itsnearthepostoffice. ()4.Isitfarfromhere? D.Youarewele. ()5.Thankyou. E.No,itisnt第二组:( )1.Howdoyougotothesupermarket?A.Sure,ifyoulike. ( )2.CanIgoonfoot? B.Itsnearafastfoodshop. ( )3.Whereisyourhome? C.IgotherebytheNo.15bus. ( )4.Lookatthetrafficlights. D.youcangetthereonfoot.Itsnotfar. ( )5.HowcanIgettothebookstore?E.Wemuststop第二单元测试一、 找出每小题中与众不同的那一个( ) 1. A. library B. hospital C. cinema D. party.( ) 2. A. north B. party C. south D. east( ) 3. A. wait B. bus C. train D. bike( ) 4.A.museum B.postoffice C.music D.library( ) 5.A.plane B.cinema C. bike D.bus( ) 6.A. turnrightB. gohome C. turnleft D. gostraight( ) 7. A. greenlight B. yellowlight C. redlight D. Christmaslight( ) 8.A. shoe store B. supermarket C. get off D. museum( ) 9.A. then B. near C. next to D. in front of( ) 10.A. wait B. go C. shop D. buy二、 从ABC三个选项中选择合适的答案( ) 1. Sarah: Where is the library? Zhang Peng : A. Its in front of the school. B. Where is the school? C. Is there a library near here? ( )2.Stopatthe_. A.yellowlight B.greenlight C.redlight( )3.TheScienceMuseumisneartheschool_theright. A.on B
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