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企业多元化经营外文文献翻译3000多字译文文献出处:Gronum S. The research of small and medium-sized enterprise diversification J. Journal of Small Business Management, 2015, 10(2): 257- 266.原文The research of small and medium-sized enterprise diversificationGronum SAbstractCorporate diversification business success is based on the correct business strategy combination, specific diversification strategies related to the enterprise group management. Diversification strategy is a must be considered in the process of enterprise development, enterprise management direction and management structure determines the enterprise can fully use limited management resources and ability, to establish their own business advantages. Diversification is a kind of important enterprise growth and natural selection, small and medium enterprises to implement diversification, improve the understanding of diversity is the key, to create the conditions of diversified enterprise operation mechanism, relevant policies and regulations, such as diversification strategy will directly affect the effect of the small and medium-sized enterprises to implement diversification.Keywords: SME; Diversification; Core competenceIntroductionDiversity as a kind of management strategy is widely adopted by modem enterprises. The famous American economist, money, thinks: generally speaking, whether the diversification, is one of the main difference between modern enterprises and traditional enterprises. Larger enterprises 多元化经营将极大影响企业的核心竞争力,如果多元化经营战略成功了,将会大大 提升企业的核心竞争力,促使企业继续维持其竞争优势:如果多元化经营战略失败 了,不仅无益于企业核心竞争力的提升,反而可能使原有的核心竞争力下降,甚至 丧失原有的竞争优势。多元化经营能够不断发现和完善企业的核心竞争力,核心竞 争力应理解为一个动态概念。如:科技进步、产业结构升级、产品生命周期以及人 们消费习惯的变迁等均可导致企业原有核心产品能力或核心技术能力的衰退。因此企业也需要不断创新,走多元化道路,不断发现和完善企业的 核心竞争力。核心竞争力的延展性特征要求多元化经营来支持,只有突出主业,强 化核心业务,形成自己独特的优势,在建立核心竞争力的基础上围绕其实施多元化 经营,才能更有效地利用现存优势,并最终取得多元化经营的成功。4相关多元 化与非相关多元化相关性多元化是指企业将经营活动扩展到与原有产品、市场有较高的关联性的行 业,内部业务单元之间通过组合与提供共同资源,进行核心能力的移植,从而降低 企业的生产本钱,或使企业相关业务部门具有相对于竞争对手的差异化优势。较高 的关联度可以使企业在某个业务领域积累起的核心能力或竞争优势较容易的扩展到 相关业务领域,从而扩大企业的竞争优势的范围和力度,从总体上提高企业的竞争 优势。非相关性多元化是指在实行多元化的过程中,脱离现在的行业,进入与现在 的产品和市场无关的产品和市场。其主要有两种形式:财务型,这类企业向它所经 营的各个子公司从事的彼此无关的生产经营活动提供资金,执行战略规划功能,但 不参与战略经营决策,并且承当最终的财务风险;管理型,这类企业不仅承当财务 和控制功能,而且还负责经营决策以及向各经济实体提供管理顾问,员工培训等服 务。不管是哪种类型,它们有个共同的特点且与相关性最大的区别就在于侧重于财 务上的管理和资本的增值保值。want to gain more market, establish the competitive advantage, the enterprise bigger and stronger, diversified management strategy has become an inevitable choice, which has become the consensus of economists and researchers. But as a large number of small and medium enterprises, how to choose appropriate diversification strategy and how to effectively implement the strategy of diversification, still under discussion, most researchers are also worth studying. So how to choose and large enterprise diversification strategy to make yourself strong rapidly, choose diversification strategy for small and mediumenterprises suitable or not and how to effectively implement the strategy of diversification, the problem is particularly important. Increasingly is the attention of economists and managers.1 Theoretical backgroundReduce the management risk rapid growth is small and medium-sized companies and enterprises to adopt diversification strategy are an important reason. The economies of scale theory and portfolio theory are the basis of diversified choices. Small and medium-sized enterprise relative to the big enterprise itself has some disadvantages: small size, less assets, liabilities ability is limited, lack of good credit, credit line co., LTD., are susceptible to the influence of operating environment, variables, such as risk, caused the enterprise anti-risk ability is weak, the development of easy to hit, it is difficult to based on the original main business has a better development So for small and medium enterprises, the diversification is important, but also wants to see your choice of business activities can bring benefit for you. Choose diversification strategy, small and mediumsized enterprises want to succeed must first eyes inward, to oneself have a clear understanding, to know what they lack. Such as the project itself does not have development potential, serious deficiency in the operation and management capital waste, poor sales channels, etc., if the enterprise didnot recognize these problems, even if he also is very difficult to solve the problem of development through diversification. At the same time, also want to see the core competitiveness of the enterprise itself or advantage, and the correlation of choice diversification; these are the key to choose or not.2 Summary of diversificationDiversificationDiversification, also known as diversification or diversification management, refers to the enterprises in a number of related or unrelated industries at the same time, a number of different business strategies. Diversification as the securities portfolio theory; the theoretical basis of the portfolio can consist of a variety of securities, from the i
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