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School Scie nee Fairi. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1. Mo Yan won the Nobel( 奖赏)last year.2. Lets watch a( 视频;录像)about animals.3. Please give me three(块)of bread because rm very hungry.4. Many(游客)will come to our school to help us build a library.5. I want to go to the school scienee(展览会).n .单项选择。1.He has two.So he has muchto do every day.A.jobs ; jobB. works ; jobC. jobs ; work D .works ; work2.I am hungry.ld likebread.A.a piece B . two pieceC.two piece ofD . two pieces of3.Dontat others .I ts impolite.A.to laugh B . laughC.laugh ing D.laughed4.A.hope B . askC. like.wantmy daughter can go to uni versity one day.What do you think of this film?Its solike it and Lily isin it,too.A. bored ; interestedB.in terested;interestingD. boring ; boredC. interesting; interested参考答案1 .I.Prize 2.video 3.pieces 4.tourists 5.fairworkn .1.C 点拨:本题考查job和work的用法区别。job指具体的某项工作,是可数名词。 是不可数名词,表示一种抽象的概念,故选C项。2 . D 点拨:本题考查 piece的用法。bread为不可数名词,要表达几块面包”用“ .piece of bread ”,故选 D 项。3. B点拨:本题考查祈使句的否定句“ Do nt +动词原形”,故选 B项。4. A点拨:hope可以接动词不定式或者接宾语从句,故选A项。5. C 点拨:本题考查interesting和interested的区别,故选 C项。
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