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公司简介江苏日利达有限公司创建于1997年,是一家产学研相结合、科工贸一体化的从事太阳能热利用的国家级高新技术企业,下辖太阳能光伏科技、太阳能光热科技、环保电动车在内的三大产业群。公司位于江苏扬州,现有员工800多人,总资产1.5亿元人民币。日利达太阳能光热产业部,年生产能力达40万台套,销售市场已遍部全国25个省份,同时积极开展外贸业务,并于2005年在西班牙成立分公司。在让千家万户老百姓享受到太阳热水的同时,公司在全国各地广泛安装大型中央热水工程,成功为部队、机关、学校、宾馆、医院提供大量不消耗常规能源的热水。公司通过与国内外多所高校的交流合作,联合成立了“江苏日利达热能研究所”,历经5年零3个月的研究和反复实验,于2008年2月在太阳能热利用行业首家提出并建立了太阳能热水器的能效标准,把太阳能热水器评判标准从单方面的吸热或单方面的保热阶段,提升为系统光热转换效率的能效标准,2010年进一步提升为“1:1:1高能效太阳能标准”,“吸热、导热、保热三项均衡,热水更有保证”,通过此标准规范企业对产品质量的严格控制,这将对促进产业升级,更好地服务于市场,服务于消费者,使太阳能热利用产业对节能减排有更直接的贡献。据此,江苏日利达成为我国太阳能热水器国家能效标准制定成员单位。 2006年6月,作为联合国采购计划注册供应商的国家高新技术企业,日利达产品被中国科技部评为“国家级高新技术产品”, 同时日利达产品获得由国家科技部、商务部、质量监督检验检疫总局和国家环保总局联合认定颁发的“国家重点新产品”证书。公司通过ISO9001产品质量体系认证、3C质量体系认证、CE认证、“中国环境标志”双项认证、金太阳产品认证、国家强制性产品质量体系认证,并先后获评“中国驰名商标”、“国家重点新产品”、“世界环保与新能源产业中国影响力100强”、“全国第一批国家级征信单位企业”、“品牌中国金谱奖”、“政府绿色采购清单企业”荣誉见证企业实力,江苏日利达太阳能有限公司,正以其独有的跨跃式发展速度,引领我国新能源产业积极、健康、快速成长。Company ProfileFounded in 1997,Jiangsu Sunleada Solar Co., Ltd is a National New & Hi-technical Company specialized in solar energy, with combining of production, learning and research, unifying science, industry and trading. Its including three industry groups: solar photovoltaic technology, solar thermal technology, environmental protection bicycle. The company is located in Yangzhou, Jiangsu province, existing more than 800 staffs, and the total assets RMB 150,000,000.The Solar thermal technology department of Sunleada, the annual output can reach 400,000 sets, sales market has spread over 25 provinces in China. Meanwhile, actively taking part in the international trade, in 2005, it had set up a branch office in Spain. Besides making thousands of ordinary people can enjoy solar hot-water, the company also devotes itself into a number of great projects of solar hot-water widespread. It has successfully supplied with substantial hot-water without consuming conventional energy for army, institutions, schools, hotels, and hospitals. By communicating and cooperating with many domestic and foreign universities, jointly established “The Jiangsu Sunleada Heat Energy Research Institute”, lasting 5 years and 3 months to reach and test repeatedly. In February 2008, Sunleada firstly raised and established “The Energy Efficiency Standard” in the solar energy utilization industry, improved the evaluation standard of solar water heater from only absorbing heat or preserving heat stage to the systemic light-heat conversion. In 2010, its upgraded with the “1:1:1 High Efficiency Solar Energy Standard”, “Absorbing, conducting and preserving in balanced, better guarantee to hot-water”. To set up a strict control on product quality with this standard, which will promote industrial upgrade, and better serve the market and customers, so as to realize more direct contribution on energy conservation and emission reduction. Accordingly, Jiangsu Sunleada Solar Co.,Ltd becomes one of Chinese Solar Water Heater Energy Efficiency Standard Formulation Members. June 2006, as a Registers supplier in United Nations Purchasing Plan and National New & Hi-technical Company, Sunleadas products have been evaluated as “National New & Hi-technical Products” by Chinese Science & Technology Ministry. At the same time, Sunleadas products won the Certificate “National Key & New Products” together issued by National Science & Technology Ministry, the Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and National Environmental protection Agency. Sunleada has passed through the ISO9001 international quality system authentication, CCC authentication, CE authentication, CCCEL (Chinese Certification Committee for Environment Labeling Products), Golden Solar certificate, China Compulsory Certificate, and win the “China Top Brand”, “National Key & New Products”, “World Environmental Protection and New Energy Industry China Influence Top 100”,” National First Batch of State-level Good-Faith Company “, “Brand Chinas Gold Spectrum Award”,” Company in the Chinese Government Green Purchasing-list”, and so on.Honors witness the companys strength, Jiangsu Sunleada Solar Co.,Ltd is quickly developing along its unique way, leading Chinese new energy industry to grow positively, healthy and rapidly.
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