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Unit3 Topic3 Section A课堂作业一、阅读课文,完成下面的分析与练习。1have a good time = _2许多名胜古迹(汉译英)_3在美国你能使别人听懂你的话吗?(汉译英)_4遇到麻烦、陷入困境_5. 与长谈_6. 努力学习,致力于_翻译:我认为我应该努力学习英语。_7. 动词dare的用法:意思是“敢,竟敢”,与need的用法一样,既可用作_又可用作_。作情态动词时,无人称和数的变化,后接动词,多用于句中,否定形式是。作实义动词时,有人称和数的变化,后面跟(带to),第三人称单数形式是:,现在分词是:,过去式和过去分词是:。8在公共场合,公开地_9. 感到困倦:_10. 害怕某人或某物:_例句:_11. 害怕做某事:_(害怕,不敢做某事)12. 害怕做某事:_(主要谈论无法左右的突发事件,或担心发生某种意外情况)13我知道学好英语很重要。_14对我来说记生词太难了。_15It seems that从句_ 翻译:那时她好像生我的气了。(两种句型)16取得进步:_17. 取得巨大进步:_18我不知道该怎么办。19有时:_=20想做某事:_=_21戒烟:_,_意为“放弃”,后接_,宾语是人称代词时,必须放在give up的_,是名词时_22向某人请求帮助:_23擅长,善于:_,后面跟_24. 记日记(强调习惯)_23.写一篇日记_25对不起,请原谅_=_=_此时读降调;当读升调时,意思是“_”26你怎样用英语说它?_27请你再说一遍,好吗?(repeat)_二、课堂巩固习题:( )1. Did you _ in the party?A. enjoy you B. enjoy your C. enjoyed yourself D. enjoy yourself( )2. When you are speaking to somebody, you must try to make yourself _.A. understood B. understand C. understanding D. to understand( )3. You speak _ fast for me _.A. too; to understanding B. too; to understand C. too; understood D. to; understood( )4. Her father is strict _ her, and she is afraid _ him. A. with; of B. to; of C. in; to D. for; for( )5. If you learn English _, you can work for the international conference. A. good enough B. enough good C. well enough D. enough well( )6. Mr. Wang didnt tell me the time he arrived, so I dont know _ to meet him. A. where B. when C. why D. who( )7. Im not good at _ English words. I must learn how to _. A. spelling; keep a diary B. spell; keep a diary C. spelt; listen to the tape D. spelling; recite the words( )8. It is important _ the piano well.A. of him to playB. for him to playC. of him playingD. for him to playing( )9.Sorry, I cant follow you. I beg your pardon?_A. You are welcome.B. Thats all right.C. Not at all.D. No problem.( )10.The old farmer felt like _ a big house very much.A. to getB. getC. gettingD. got( )11.She _ walk at night. How brave she is!A. dare toB. dares toC. dare notD. doesnt dare to( )12.I usually go to the movies with my parents, but _ alone.A. some timesB. sometimeC. at timesD. at timeUnit3 Topic3 Section B课堂作业一、阅读课文,完成下面的分析与练习。1给某人一些有关的建议_/_其中_为不可数名词,短语中的介词可以替换为,建议v._,常用短语:建议某人做某事_建议某人不要做某事_大多数情况下通用,若表示正式话题用_。2如何学好英语_把粘在上_3在.方面薄弱_=_例句:_4. _, adv. 没有比较级和最高级,意为“出声地,高声地”;常与read和speak连用 _,adj./adv. 有比较级和最高级,常与speak,talk,sing以及laugh连用。 _,adv. “喧闹地,大声地”5如何提高我的阅读能力6. 犯错误_ 错误地_ 把误认为_7. 别害羞_ 8. 深呼吸_ 9. 考虑_10get名词/代词adj.结构,翻译比较灵活。例如:把晚餐准备好_ 把窗子擦干净_11. 想知道,对感到疑惑_,意为“想知道”进,相当于_;做名词时意为“_” adj. _12做某事最好的时间_ 理解文章大意_13做大量的听/说/读/写训练_/_/_/_二、疑问词 + 动词不定式观察:1. I dont know how to remember new words. 2. When to start has not been decided yet.3My problem is how to remember the words. l 结论一:通过以上例句可以发现:例句中的不定式都有_词,它们在一起构成不定式短语,在句中起名词性短语的作用。用法很灵活。l 通过例句1,可以发现,不定式短语在句中可以做_语。l 通过例句2,可以发现,不定式短语在句中做_语。l 通过例句3,可以发现,不定式在句中做 _语。 1. how to learn English well可以转换为how we can learn English well 2.how to remember.可以转换为 how I can
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