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期末专题复习卷(五)阅读理解(一)Look at Alices bedroom. What can you see in the room? I can see a desk, a chair and a bed in the room. There is a photo on the desk. Its her family photo. There are three crayons on the books. There is a storybook near the pencil-box. Its name is “Monkey King”. Alice likes it very much. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。( )1. There is a photo on the desk. ( )2. There are two beds in this room. ()3. This is Alices sisters bedroom. ()4. Alices crayons are in the desk. ( )5.There is an English book near the pencil-box. (二)I am Peter. Im an American boy. I am in Class Four. This is Li Lei and this is Han Mei. They are my good friends. Li Lei can play football, but Han Mei cant. She can make kites.Look, thats our new school. There is a library in it. We can read many books in it. We are very happy in our school.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。( )1. Peter is an American boy.( )2. Li Lei and Han Mei can play football.( )3. Han Mei can make kites.( )4. There is a library in the school.(三)Look! These are my toy pandas. They are on the desk. They are new. I can see some toy pandas under the desk. They are Nancys. They arent new. We all like toy pandas. Do you like toy pandas?阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. Nancys toy pandas are under the desk.( ) 2.Nancys toy pandas are old.( ) 3.There are some toy pandas on the desk.( ) 4. My toy pandas arent new. ( ) 5. Yang Ling and I all like toy pandas.(四)Mr Green is a music teacher. He is having a music lesson now. The students are all in the music room. They can sing the song In the classroom and Colour song. But Ben cant sing. He can play the violin. The students cant sing the song We can sing and dance. So they listen to the song and follow Mr Green. They can sing it together now.阅读短文,选择正确的答案。( )1. Mr Green is _ teacher. A. an English B. a computer C. a music( )2. The students are _. A. having a music lessonB. in the library C. dancing( )3. Ben can _. A. play the guitar B. play the violin C. play the piano( )4. The students _ first. A. listen to the song B. follow Mr Green C. sing it together(五)I am a student. My name is Tom. I am eleven. I have a sister. Her name is Anny. She is four. She is a nice little girl. She is watching TV in the sitting-room. My father is an English teacher. My mother is a Maths teacher. But they are not in the same(相同的) school. Now they are cooking in the kitchen.阅读短文,回答问题。1.How old is Tom?_2.Whats Toms sister doing?_3.How many people (人)are there in Toms family?_4.Are Toms parents in the same school?_5. Where is Toms mother?_专题复习(五)(一)15 T F F F F(二) 14 T F T T(三) 15 T T T F F(四) 14 C A B A(五)1.Hes 11.2. She is watching TV.3.There are four.4.No, they arent.5.Shes in the kitchen.第 页
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