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影视口语精讲阿甘正传第40期:阿甘给珍妮讲打战的事情嘿,福雷斯 were you scared in Vietnam? 你在越南可怕过吗? Yes. 是的 Well, I- 我 I don”t know. 我不知道 Sometimes it would stop raining 当雨停的时候 long enough for the stars to come out. 有时能看到星星 and then it was nice. 那感觉很好 It was like just before the sun goes to bed 就象太阳下山前 down on the bayou. 在拉巴特湾 there was always a million sparkles on the water. 海面的闪闪鳞光 like that mountain lake. 就象山间的湖水 It was so clear, Jenny, 那样的清亮,珍妮 it looked like there were two skies 就象另一片天空 one on top of the other. 两重天空 And then in the desert, when the sun comes up. 还有在沙漠里,当太阳升起 I couldn”t tell 我分不清 where heaven stopped and the earth began. 哪儿是天,哪儿是地 It”s so beautiful. 真是漂亮 I wish I could”ve been there with you. 我但愿那时和你在一起 You were. 你的确在的 - 英语学习笔记精讲: 1.scare:可怕 例如:You”re scaring me.你吓着我了。The prospect of failure scares me rigid.一想到失败我就吓得身体发僵。 2.sparkle:闪光 例如:sparkles of light.光亮点There was a sparkle in her eye that could not be hidden.她眼中闪耀着一丝无法掩藏的亮光。
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