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驻荷兰大使张军在“共品中国年味,同庆兔年新春”活动上的致辞2011年2月1日,中国驻荷兰使馆Remarks by Ambassador Zhang Jun at the Reception of the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Rabbit 1 February 2011, Chinese Embassy各位来宾、各位朋友:Distinguished guests and dear friends,再过一天就是中国农历新年。值此新春佳节来临之际,我谨代表中国驻荷兰使馆全体同事,向各位来宾和朋友致以节日的问候,衷心祝愿大家在新的一年里事业兴旺、家庭幸福、万事如意!The Chinese Lunar New Year is coming one day later. On behalf of my colleagues of the Chinese Embassy, let me take this opportunity to extend our Spring Festival greetings to everyone, and wish you all the best in the coming year.春节是中国最重要的传统节日,也最能集中地展示中国文化的深刻内涵。对中国人来说,春节最重要的内容就是家庭团圆。无论身在何方,人们都会设法赶回家中,共享亲人的关爱、家庭的和谐、团聚的欢乐。今天我们在这里举办这样一场国际大家庭的聚会,目的就是营造一个家的氛围,在这样的气氛中,“共品中国年味,同庆兔年新春”,一起享受节日的欢乐,共同期待充满希望的新的一年。Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. It is also the time for observing the richness of the Chinese cultural heritage. For Chinese, during the Spring Festival everything should give way to family reunion. No matter wherever you are, you manage to get back home to enjoy and share your love and happiness with your families. As such, we see todays gathering an international family gathering. Together we will experience the festival atmosphere, celebrate the Year of Rabbit, enjoy happiness and expect a new year full of hopes.确实,随着全球化的快速发展,世界各国人民之间的联系越来越紧密,越来越像一个大家庭。在促进各国间关系发展的进程中,文化始终有着重要和不可替代的作用。沟通从文化开始。文化间的共性可以使我们克服肤色和语言的不同而相互认同,文化间的差异则为我们相互借鉴提供了可能。我衷心期待,通过文化这个桥梁,我们可以更多地相互了解,更多地相互借鉴,更多地相互信任,从而使我们的世界成为一个真正和平、和谐、繁荣的世界。Indeed, along with the fast development of globalization, people in different nations are more closely interdependent to each other and the world is becoming an international family. In the process of promoting friendly relations among nations, culture has been always playing an important role. As I see it, real communication always starts with culture exchange. The commonalities between cultures have enabled peoples of different complexions and languages to recognize each other, while the divergences between cultures have provided us with possibilities to learn from each other. It is my sincere hope that through the bridge of culture we will better understand each other, learn more from each other and build our mutual trust even stronger, so as to make our world a real peaceful, harmonious and prosperous one.中华民族是一个多民族大家庭,56个民族的兄弟姐妹长期以来和睦相处,共同发展,也孕育了丰富多彩、充满魅力的多元中国文化。我们荣幸地邀请到中国青海省歌舞团,为大家献上一台充满浓郁中国民族风情的演出。青海省位于中国西部,是多民族聚居区,有着丰厚的文化底蕴。相信通过他们精彩的表演,大家既能充分享受艺术之美,也更深切地感受中国各民族和谐共处的美好生活,增进大家对中国和中国文化的全面了解。Chinese nation is a big family comprised of multi-ethnic groups. The 56 ethnic groups see each other as brothers and sisters, enjoying harmonious coexistence and common development. Together we have fostered the colorful and glamorous Chinese multi-culture. Now it is my honor to present to you the famous troupe of Qinghai Province, China, who will stage a marvelous show featured with Chinese ethnic cultural traditions. Qinghai Province is located in the western part of China, where we see many ethnic groups representing different culture. I hope their excellent performance will bring you not only artistic enjoyment but also a better picture of the harmonious coexistence and happy life of Chinese ethnic groups as one big national family so as to have a more complete understanding of China and its culture.最后,祝兔年给所有的朋友带来好运、健康和幸福。我也祝愿中荷关系和各领域合作,如同兔子奔跑一样,实现跨越式发展。Finally, I hope the Year of Rabbit will bring good luck, good health and happiness to all my friends. At the same time, it is my sincere hope that Sino-Dutch relationship and our cooperation in all fields will also achieve their leapfrog developments, like rabbit leaping, in the coming year.谢谢大家。Thank you .
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