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公益营销论文:企业公益营销对大学生消费群体购买意向的影响研究【中文摘要】公益营销作为一种新兴的营销手法在中国的发展刚刚起步,我们可以看到跨国公司能够比较娴熟的运用这种手段,中国的本土企业也开始涉足其中,然而一些企业进行公益营销却并没有得到成功,成为了“无名英雄”,很快在日益激烈的竞争中销声匿迹。对待这个问题,诸多学者从不同的维度和角度进行了研究,其理论研究也日益增多,但是公益营销能否真正带来企业的经济效益和社会效益的双赢效果,研究者们也是存在着争议。那么企业能否进行企业营销,又如何进行企业营销,同时企业营销能给企业带来怎么样的回报和风险,成为一个亟待解决的热点问题。从以往的研究结果看,至今为止关于公益营销如何对消费者购买意向进行影响的机理并没有一个成熟的模型,对各个维度也没有一个比较科学的分类和定义,大部分学者都是探索性的从不同的角度进行了研究和描述。因此,本研究从现实问题和相关文献研究结果出发,提炼出企业的公益营可能会影响消费者购买意向的各个因素,构建以态度作为中介机制的企业公益营销对大学生消费群体购买意向的影响模型。本研究以大学生这一群体为研究对象,运用SPSS16.0和Lisrel8.7统计软件包分析334个样本数据发现:1.在研究得到的消费者感知企业公益营销的八个维度中,消费者对企业产品的卷入程度、企业可信度、企业持续公益的时间、企业进行公益营销时采用的资助方式和企业对公益营销的宣传力度对大学生消费群体的购买意向产生影响,而消费者对公益事业的态度、企业选择的公益领域和企业的合作伙伴三个维度与消费者购买意向无关;2.企业的可信度对购买意向的影响最大,企业参加公益的时间次之,其次分别是消费者对企业产品的卷入程度、企业对公益营销的宣传力度和企业采用的资助方式;3.中介变量态度分为情感性态度和认知性态度两个维度进行研究,其中情感性态度是企业公益营销与消费者购买意向间的中介变量,认知性态度在这一关系中没有中介作用。本研究通过实证分析了可能公益营销影响大学生消费群体购买意向的各个因素,丰富了公益营销对消费者购买意向影响问题的研究。最后在研究结果的基础上,本文为中国企业实施公益营销提出了可参考的实践建议。【英文摘要】Corporate cause-related marketing, as a new approach, has just started in China.We found MultiNational Corporations are skilled at it. Chinas domestic enterprises are also beginning to get involved.However, However, the result is not satisfying.Many enterprises became unsung heroes and disappeared in the fierce competition.Dealing with this matter,a number of scholars commence to study from various of angels and dimensions.Although theoretical achievements is increasing, whether or not corporate cause-related marketing can bring the win-win situation of the economic and social benefits for the corporates is still controversial.For the corporates, whether or not to do corporate marketing,how to manage to do it and what returns and risks can it bring are hot issues need to be settled right now.Looking through the results from previous studies, there isnt a mature model of the mechanism how public marketing influence the consumer purchase intent.And theres a lack of scientific classification and definition for each dimension since most scholars hold an exploratory point of view to research and depict from different angles. Therefore, this research begins with the real issues and related literature findings to extract the possible factors that may affect purchase intention and furthermore to build the model of business attitude as a mediator in the relationship between corporate cause-related marketing and college students purchase intent.This study involves college students as the research object,using SPSS16.0 and Lisrel 8.7 statistical package to analyse 334 samples of data and found:1.Among the eight dimensions of consumer perceived corporate cause-related marketing,consumers involvement in the corporate product,corporate credibility, corporates duration in the public service activities,way of funding in the corporate cause-related marketing as well as propaganda efforts influence the college students purchase intent.The attitude of the consumers to the public service activities,the chosen public field and business partner And purchase intention has nothing to do with the purchase intent.2. Corporate credibility shows the greatest influence on the purchase intent followed by the corporates duration in the public service activities, consumers involvement in the corporate product, propaganda efforts and way of funding accordingly.3. Attitude as a mediator has two dimensions which are cognitive attitude and affective attitude. Affective attitude plays as a mediator between corporate cause-related marketing and consumers purchase intention while the mediation of cognitive attitude is not been confirmed.This study empirically analyzes the various factors that might concern with the purchase intention of college students as a consumer group.And it enriches the research field about the impact of corporate cause-related marketing to consumer purchase intent. Finally, on the basis of research results, the paper provides the practical advice for the application of Chinese enterprisess cause-related marketing for reference.【关键词】公益营销 购买意向 大学生消费群体 态度【英文关键词】Cause-Related Marketing Purchase Itentions Undergraduate Consumer Attitude【目录】企业公益营销对大学生消费群体购买意向的影响研究摘要6-7Abstract7-8第1章 绪论11-161.1 研究背景111.2 研究意义11-131.2.1. 理论意义11-121.2.2. 现实意义12-131.3 研究内容和目标13-141.4 研究方法及研究思路14-161.4.1 研究方法141.4.2 研究范围及思路14-16第2章 国内外研究述评16-272.1 公益营销16-222.1.1 公益营销的理论研究16-182.1.2 公益营销的成效研究18-192.1.3 公益营销对消费者的影响因素19-222.2 消费者态度及消费者购买意向22-252.2.1 消费者态度22-232.2.2 消费者购买意向23-252.3 文献评述25-27第3章 研究设计27-423.1 概念模型27-303.2 研究假设30-323.3 抽样设计和研究对象323.3.1 抽样设计323.3.2 研究对象323.4 问卷设计和变量测量32-353.4.1 问卷设计32-333.4.2 量表测量内容33-353.5 量表修正35-423.5.1 预测试的数据分析方法35-363.5.2 预测试分析结果和问卷修正36-42第4章 数据统计分析42-604.1 样本描述42-434.2 因子分析43-484.3 信度和效度分析48-504.3.1 信度分析484.3.2 效度分析48-
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