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课题:Module 6Unit 1 Were you at home yesterday?所在单位:武胜县城南小学 编写人:舒濒瑶一、教学内容分析Teaching contentsNew Standard EnglishBook4Module 6 Unit 1 Were you at home yesterday?Teaching ParticipantsThe students of Grade 4Teaching projectsTeaching Contents The content of my lesson isNew Standard EnglishBook 4, Module 6 unit 1 Were you at home yesterday? This lesson is the first period of this module which is talking about past tense. Its very close to Ss daily life. But they dont know how to talk about it.There are 4 parts in this lesson. Part 2 is the focus of this unit.Part 3&4 is to practise the sentence pattern.New wordswell,lesson,out,thanks,sun,yesterdayNew drills句型Were you at home yesterday? Yes, I was./ No, I wasnt.Was it sunny yesterday? Yes, it was./ No, it wasnt.Teaching aimsLanguage goals掌握was/were的用法。Language skills能运用were的相关句型进行问答。Use of language能运用were的相关句型进行交际。Emotional attitude学生通过参与课堂活动,体验学习英语的乐趣,增强学习英语的自信心,懂得并乐于情感交流。Teaching strategies师生互动策略(教师导入学生意知、精读、角色扮演教师讲解巩固操练);主动参与策略(以学生为学习的主体,自读理解交流讨论小结巩固)。Teaching important and difficult pointsCan talk with the new knowledge.Teaching methodsThe Ss are interested in English, but their knowledge of English is limited. And their attention is easy to disperse. In view of this situation, I will use these methods: 1.Direct teaching method. 2.TBLT (Task Based Language Teaching). 3. Situational approach. 4.Game teaching. 5. Role playing. 6.Group cooperation and competition. Teaching aidsSome word cards,pictures,head gears,stickers, CAI and multimedia. 二、课堂教学过程Teaching stepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesDesign intentI.Warm -upBegin with a song, do some actions with the Ss.Enjoy the song,do as the teacher does.Thisstepisusedtomakeanatmosphereof this lesson.II.Presentation&Text learning.1. Present the sentence pattern in the scene :Tom is calling Panpan.l Present the new words: Yesterday,outSpell out the new words with the words theyve learnt.yes,ter,dayyesterdayPractise the new words with phonics.l Present the new sentence pattern:Was it sunny in yesterday?Yes,it was./No,it wasnt.Were you at home yesterday?Yes,I was./No,I wasnt.2. Talk about the weather in Wusheng and ask for the condition.A. Practise in groups with the sentence pattern.B. Rearrange the Activity1:Change this part into a rhythmed chant.1.Learn the new word with teacher.2.Practise.Attract the Ss attentionand give them an initialperception. Let the Ss accept the new words gradually,help them digest the new knowledge better.Text Teaching:1) Connect the scene recently,lead the kids into the text. Listen and answer the questions.Listen and repeat Teach the new words: well thanks sun lesson2)Read together.3)Practise in groups .4) Role-Play 1)Listen and answer the questions.Listen and repeat.2)Read together.3)Practise in groups.4) Role-PlayStudying with the flash is more interesting than the traditional text study.IV.ConsolidationA.Game:Lucky ChoiceAsk two students to choose one ofthe picture, different picture has different contents.Words: ask and answerDiamond: +5Bomb:-3B.Practice: We can say.StudentA choose and do the practice.Random Draw:To make sure thatstudents can use the sentence patterns correctly.Practise the sentence pattern.Extension&Emotional sublimationCombining with the social focus,I put one of the hot social problems come back home often for emotional education.Let the students know that we should takemuch more care of our old families. Watch the video and talk with teacher.According to the emotional sublimation,make the children to keep a warm heart with love.Summary&HomeworkSummary:Read the new words and sentence together.Homework: 1. Exercise Book P41.2. Practise the new patterns with your classmates. 2.Do one thing for your parents and your grandparents.Read together.Make the students use English as much as possible. Blackboard designModule 6 Unit 1 Was it sunny yesterday?Yes,it was. / No, it wasnt.Were you at home yesterday?Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt. . Teaching reflection
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