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Analysis on (E. ec) um! Mi, n, g-s poem:r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-rr-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-rlaWhoPPEGORHRASS eringint( o-r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-ra ) s w (e loo)kUpnowgathaThe:) l eAp: s,grasshopper;atoA possible translation:A grasshopper who we look up now gathering a GRASSHOPPER into leaps: arriving grasshopper rearrangingly becomea grasshopperIntroductionE. E. Cummings, born in 1894, was an American poet, painter, essayist, author, and playwright. His body of work encompasses approximately 2,900 poems, two autobiographical novels, four plays and several essays, as well as numerous drawings and paintings. He is remembered as a preeminent voice of 20th century poetry, as well as one of the most popular.He loved cubism and futurism in painting, while all the achievements he made in other areas can hardly be compared with what he did in poetry.In general, his poems can be classified into 3 categories: Blues Poetry, which just like the Blues music, utilizes lyric, rhythm and rhyme, and shares some similar themes such as lost love; concrete poetry, in which typographical arrangement of the words is important in conveying the effect and elements of the poem; futurist, which believes that the constraints of syntax were inappropriate to modern life and that it did not truly represent the mind of the poet. Syntax would serve as a filter in which analogies had to be processed and so analogies would lose their characteristic stupefaction. In his poetry, meter was rejected and the word was the top concern. In this way, he was able to create a now language free of syntax punctuation and full of free expression.Attached to his free and creative way of relating, I would like to give a brief stylistic analysis of his famous poem: r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r. The examination will deal with phonological, graphological, lexical, syntactical, and semantic analyses respectively.Graphological Features1) PunctuationE.E. Cummings had a constant love for punctuation, especially in a random way. Hyphens are used to link the randomly spelled letters,which creates an impression of coherence; brackets are used to limit the letters into a certain space, such as (e loo), in order to create an effect of closure which coperate with the phrase of get into. Exclamatory marks are used to create an effect of bouncing, which characterizes the motions of the grasshopper. Colons are also used to attract readers attention. The punctuation takes up an organic part of the Cummingss poems;however, it consists only an auxiliary part some other poems. It seems clear that from the perspective of modernism, every part of the poem can contribute to the wholeness of its poetic effect. Punctuations are endowed with a sense of freshness and novelty in cummings poetry.2) CapitalizationCapitalization as well as decapitalization is a device frequently applied in Cummings poetry. The basic function of these devices is to emphasis. Take his name for example, he usually spelled his name as e.e.cummings to illustrate his own self-identification that he was nothing more important or distinguished than others and in addition, he wanted himself to be modest.In this poem, there are two outstanding capitalizations which catch my eyes: PPEGORHRASS and gRrEaPsPhOs. These two achieve the effect of foregrounding. Seen from a distance, these two words can call readers attention more easily and successfully. PPEGORHRASS, through proper arrangement, can form the word grasshopper. The first grasshopper in this poem is decapitalized and is linked by hyphens so that create a picture of a grasshopper crawls or stays with no apparent motions, while by highlighting the word PPEGORHRASS, the picture suddenly become dynamic, and the grasshopper all of a sudden become active, which arouses the interest of the readers and adds vitality into the poem.Another example is gRrEaPsPhOs. As we can see, the second half of the poem takes the shape of a grasshopper( I will cover this point shortly afterwards.), and through the picture I gave above, this word gRrEaPsPhOs is exactly the abdomen of this insect. Judging from our common sense, we know what external form it is. And arrangement of the letters in this way can just depict the abdomen of an insect with stripes.Here, we can see that through the devices of capitalization and decapitalization, the poet can achieve a far-reaching denotative meaning as well as a picturesque effect.3) ParagraphingBy paragraphing, we mean the way in which a text is divided into paragraphs. And this poem is divided into two halves. The first half is in words and in the second half, the shape of a grasshopper is composed. The result is that when we read this poem, we are welcomed by a short introduction and a grasshopper at the bottom of the poem. The way he divided this poem is quite creative and imaginative. It makes a breakthrough in the tradit
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